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Hi there. This is my webpage for lots of random shit that I think is cool. It is quite painfully obvious that this site is under construction, and who knows if it will ever be cooler than this? The last page I had that ever got beyond the "under construction" phase was five years ago. ;_;

While you're here you might as well check out some of my writing.

Here is a piece I wrote about a tragedy at my high school.
This one is a little story I wrote when I was theorizing what life would be like in ten years. I was a little younger and a little more naive when I wrote it, so please excuse the drama.
I've been meaning to write more, so maybe I'll post a few more later.
Battle Imp

Who's your battle imp?
Backstabbing: 8
Dodgin': 9
Guts: 8
Magic Mojo: 7
Smackdown: 5

Will your battle imp beat Junsui's?
Enter your name and fight.

about me
the terms
the users
the links
the sets
Aprilrain Design Studios

Site content by E.Keer © 2003

Website Design Copyright © Aprilrain Design Studios, All Rights Reserved.
None of these graphics may be duplicated, copied, or sold without permission from the artist.