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mUh sHouT oUtZ

Hey these are my shout outs! just look for your name this is kinda long:

BOBBY!!!!!!: I love you... to death! you are incredibly are so sweet and so damned cute... i'd do anything for you...(hmm i wonder if that includes taking ur advise when u tell me to stay away from guyz :\ haha) Love u much hun..alwayz! ~Me

Tyler: Heyyyyyyyy! Boy, Your A great friend babe.. if you ever! ever ever ever.. need anything at all.. i'm here for you :) lol Lovez u Tyler! Lovez, Mon

Justin: to my Juliet/Fiance you must be the most fun guy i know i love hanging out with you and talking about stuff your the best girlfriend ever! love, Jason(Monny) lol

Nick(half-life):R.I.P I love you Nick..Miss ya everyday and hope ur pimpin the angels in heaven :P missin me till i get there!

Ross: wellz sometimes your life overrules my attention but your one of my best friends i lovez you soooz much your alwayz there when i need you. when i need help you give it to me thank you...i love you muchness

John(69):hey sweetie, we never talk n e more but remember when we used to take care of you and you alwayz made me sick on purpose.. j/p yeah then we kinda just drifted i guess but i miss you lotz and bunches..i love you~mon~

Joshy: hmmm what to say well the months have torn us apart laura and paul came into our lives and i guess we walked out of eachothers but your still one of my best friends and i still love you to pieces love you~mon~

Jack: the world of bazooka's and machine guns monica and jack's bonding dayz... i miss talking to you i guess we've drifted apart but i'm alwayz here for you if you need anything you already know that though love you,mon

JONNNNN: to my best friend jon your like the bestest friend ever your alwayz helping me out.. .. love ya'z mon

chris: suppie? not alot i'm here if you ever wanna repay the 4 a.m. phone calls i'm completely understand lol love you boy yes boy hope someday you'll be a man jma and yes i know smoking is bad but then what is shrooms? worse exactly you quit i quit... wellz lata high commander~ mon

James:Hey Sweetie, we've been thru a lot together..and even though u didn't make it to my Junior prom i love u anywayz..and theres alwayz next year..get off work this year lol Bye Bye Hunny! *kissiez* Mon

Damon: *throws you a beer* oops! that was open and it spilled all over you lick it up! no wasting haha your fun damon and a tight friend love alwayz your beer bitch

Matt: my wonderful matt so many nights i've stayed up with you talking about like nothing but it was fun like bonding time i hope you and your girlfriend are okay? or something? sorry about the things she can't do but yeah so the story goes your one of my closest friends matt thank you so much for alwayz keeping me in check even though i don't listen all the time your such an honest guy and i really look up to you for that love you muchness mon

Corey: *whispers* hey you sexay boy.. i can't believe we live in the same state and i never get around to going to see you...and when i do..YOUR NEVER HOME! i've gone to see u like 5 times..and ur never home..and since i'm alwayz home don't u jus come see me u corey! Your Ghosty queen Monica

KoreY: wellz yeah no idea how your doing you fade in and outta my life but i hope your aight and missing me much having fun with all your black girls! wellz missing you tons love your, peanut butter and jelly queen mon

Ian: *throws a piece of popcorn at you* hmmm...we went from best almost not friends at all..back to friends..well were still getting married when i'm 30 right? we better! i love ya ian..will till the day i die..swear to goodness...Much Love

Andrew: you were such a good friend i wonder what went wrong.. if it was just the long distance or the fact we fell apart either way i miss you alot and i wish i could talk to more.. love you still...

Dan: my once best friend and adorable boyfriend..its amazing how little things can tear two ppl apart are we still gonna open that business? lol jma i think we'd be good at it from what i remember n e wayz wellz i miss you and i love you lotz still.. i'm still waiting.. monica

Danny: hey mister so you still wanna marry me? you were like one of my closest friends i guess my boyfriend got in the way of it... i just stopped talking to you and the us we build slowly fell apart i miss you and i think of you often... love mon (your mistress)

Eric: hey muh hunter eric... wellz we've had fights with eachother and others with one another but we've managed to be alright me up in my tree house you on the ground with your gun so itz all good.LoL well hun...u and muh sissy will work it out or be amazing friends from the effort...i love u both incrediably much *night night* :P Muahz!

Brandon: jus...don't die on me...and try and be good...miss and love ya...bye hun

Jason (soulja): JAY!!!!!!!!!!! hey Hun! Sup? Nodda nodda.. how u been? where u been? missin u like crazy.. love u!

Ste: STEEEEEEEEEEEE Heyz...looks like were friends again...LoL i missed ya a lot and i'm glad ur back *kissiez* Lata Hun

David(spawn): You have ALWAYZ been there for me...whenever i jus needa vent...u jus understand me and know my mood swings and how i truely am..for that i give u all my love and heart that i have to give and wish and the baby the best of luck! even if things don't work out for carrie give it a try...for the baby at least...Love u much, Moni

Brian: (my bri) BIG BROTHER BRIIII!!!! how you deal with me i seriously don't understand... but i love you for it and your the absolute bestest! your baby sis.. monica

Rob(shadowolf): OoOoO My fav. oper the only one that would help my sorry ass out.. thanx i miss talking to you your such a sweetie.. wellz *muah* XOXO have a good day love mon

Lee: my cute lil lee.. your a fun person to talk to your adorable i'm like hella glad we've became good friends love u

Mike(twizted): Sweetie, you are one of my REALLY good friends.. your such a nice guy! i lovez u sooo much! if you ever need anything.. at all..i'll be here and you can talk to me... as i know i'll already do with u lol.. wellz babe Love u alot! Love me, Mon

Carl: hey babe itz like you can read my mind cause whenever i need you you show up you have a way taking my mind off my life for awhile which is extremely nice even though we don't have really good social skills with eachother i still think your awesome. i just don't get embarrased around you you make me feel comfy your a good um friend? is that what we are? j/p your n "interesting" person you should trust me it wouldn't be half bad wellz *muah* luv yew monica

BODYGUARD GARETH!!!!!!!!: hey my seski donkey-donkey listening irishman! your such a good friend (when were not fighting)cause you get mad at me really easy but yeah.. oh wellz i love you and i'm alwayz here for you sorry i give u so much shyt i lovez u love mon

Tony: hey cutie! i'm just gonna say hey your a cool person and itz tight that were friends i love you mon

Rich!: hey my rapper! you know what? i hate that you go on tour all the time and i hate that you moved away from detroit like i wasn't here *sigh* i still miss you tons love you, your playboy stripper mon

Johny (molly's ex): okay sometimes i think your the most annoying person on this planet. but other times your a sweetheart even though i don't know u that well.. your pretty cool remember life is what you make it .. lovez monica

Phil: hey charming! so are you off that weed yet? if you are we'll talk about your other issues.. j/p you seem hella cool and yes me and steph are coming you gonna be waiting? mmm i hope so your hella cute to bad you aren't my type jma wellz boy I'll T2YL luv yew! monica

Andy: my dearest andy. what to say? how bout you left me? *sigh* outta all the times you said never and all the laughs we had member the fun times? like when that jeff guy was stalking me and you called him at 5 am and when we called your house pretending to be lez porn stars but we couldn't do it cause we started laughing that was over 2 years ago what happened to us? now you gotta wife you live with and i am well not the party girl i useda be... things changed somewhere i really miss you.. your fire girl mon *muah*

VONZELL: Hey cutie, you know you love me and stuff hope your having fun in Mt. Pleasent Punk had to move away from me.. wellz you betta be missin me... lovez mon

Kevin: To muh kev.. what should i say? we used to be best friends then girls and you know how the story goes... i know i'm kinda very bitchy to you but kev if you need anything i'm here love you .. mon

Ryan (rasj): wellz boy i don't know you that well but you were a mega help to me! i thank you soooooz very much! your a real sweetie! Lovez u, mon

Ryan (hali): hey babe, well i know we fight and B.s. a lot but your really tight! and i luv yew muchness! your awesome! love, mon

Zacky: Hey baby brother zacky i jus want u to know i'm here through everything.. and girlz ain't the whole damned world! my goodness there no good whores if u ask me .. wellz love u zacky! Lovez your big sisssy Mon

Craig: Hey Craig! Your such a good friend from the day i met you we jus clicked and became good friends. just cause we don't talk as much i don't want u to think u can't come to me i'll alwayz be here :) I lovez yew! Love,Mon!

Nate: Heyz Nate, wellz miss talking to you.. i hope ur doing good.. ! love u nate~ LOVE UR BABY SIS~ MON

Adam: my science buddy.. who'da thought.. your a really nice guy! I love you to pieces except when u pick on me and put crawfish icky insides all over my favorite shirt :\ *sigh* but i still love u lotz! if you ever need help with L.S.D. i still have my master plan :) hehehe wellz i love u lotz adam see you around Love, Monica

Mat: Hey!!!!! your such a hottie! damn... (nick's cousin) explains it all.. jma like at first when i talked to you i thought you'd be kinda boring but your not your really cool I luvz yewz lotz if u need n e thing(almost) i'm here Love you! Mon!

Andy(Johnny_Rotten): Andy.. You've been one of my good friends for over a year now..i respect and love you a lot...I'll alwayz be here for you.. even if i get way mad.. I'll alwayz Lovez you! .. and be waiting 5 fuckin years.. i coulda swore u said 4 lol.. anywayz love u babe! ~Lovez ur lil sis~ Monica

KIM-BERLY!!!: I love you sissy! your one of my absolute bestest friends! i trust u with like everything! your my bestest friend i love u sooooz much sissy! and remember above all! guyz are fuckin assholes and there goal on life is to play and hurt girls.. unless of have the best guy in the world which of course is i love you both a lot sissy and i'll alwayz be here for u.. Love me!

Tiff: HEY CHICA! I LOVE U LOTZ!!!! UR SUCH A SWEETIE! i miss talking to you ... and i lovez u if u ever need anything! im here.. Lovez, Mon

MEGGGGG!: MEG RULES!!!! lOl! your Tight Girl! EVEN THOUGH.. lol i don't know very much about you.. lol iz all good.. Wellz Luv Yew Muchness Chica! *muahz* X, Monica!

Zinc!: Hey Hot Stuff.. Or Porn lover.. whatev you prefer.. LoL! Be Nice to my sissi.. or i'll beat you up.. and i'm tough i can do it.. HaHa.. I'll try anywhoz Luv yew Lata!
