MaNdA's FaVoRiTe MoViE & TV QuOtEs

MaNdA's FaVoRiTe MoViE & TV QuOtEs

SNL Quotes

"If brains were a crime you'd never do time." -Star Jones on the View

"First you do it, then the next guy does it, and before you know it, a body goes under, and there is floating carcus stuck in the filter....IT'S NOT YOUR TIME!!"-Jim Carrey as Lifeguard

"I...I just died in your arms must have been something you saiiiiidddd....I want my money back. Yeah well we don't have it...we blew it...we blew it hard!"-Will Ferrell & Horatio Sanz as Wedding Singers

"Hi, I'm in Delaware..."-Wayne

"Chocolat was choco-gay and a choco-waste of my choco-money."-Jimmy Fallon

"F...U...C...NO!!!!"-Tim Meadows in Jingleheimer Junction

"Get off the shed! I will douse you with gasoline and light you on fire!"-Will Ferrell

"If we're gonna sing let's not half ass it guys. This may be grandma's last birthday. Is grandma gonna die? She will if you don't nail it this time."-Will Ferrell

"Dick are now in the Axis of Evil. He's always in a different building, or flying in a different plane...what's up with this guy?"-Will Ferrell as President Bush

"Jerry Louis answered..half of his hand..and he wagered..the other half."-Will Ferrell as Alex Trebec

"Who are you? I played a little minor league ball in the 80s. I've got rolling papers if you've got weed..."-One of the baseball players that came into Chris Kattans room

"Captain Gingersnap...why don't you return my calls? Captain Gingersnap...bossing everyone around in your captain's suit..."-Will Ferrell on Dog Show

"Not now Mr. Bojangles...maybe I'm gay and maybe I'm gay."-Will Ferrell on Dog Show

"I drive a Dodge Stratus. You can't talk to me like that!"-Will Ferrell

"Can you know the mighty ocean? Can you lasso a star from the sky? Can you say to a rainbow 'Hey, stop being a rainbow for a second?' No! Such is Mango."- Mango

"What's your favorite planet? Mines the sun. Harry the sun isn't really a planet. Hell, planet or no planet, when that baby burns up we'll all be dead."-Will Ferrell as Harry Caray

"If you were a hot dog would you eat yourself? I would. I would cover myself in ketchup and relish and wash myself down with an ice cold Budweiser."-Will Ferrell as Harry Caray

"My hero...."-Cheri Oteri on Weekend update

"Let me sleep in your bed. I promise to wash the sheets. Let the poor boy sleep in your bed. Please, don't make me wash the sheets. He's a clean boy, wash your own damn sheets! Let me move in with you,come on I've already slept in your bed."-The Herlihy Boy

"I am the 3 and 4 had a lot less frisbee players in them."-Goth Talk

"I had to work a double shift at Cinnobun today."-Azrael Abyss

"I think my whore is dead!"-Chris Kattan on Old French Whore

"I'm Gumby damn it!"-Eddie Murphy as Gumby

"Little kids walk around and pick up pieces of broken glass. We're just giving the kids what they want."-Ernest Mameway

"Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me."-Michael Jordan

"I’ll take The Rapists for $500!" --Darrell Hammond

"...Then I heard seven tiny splashes and went, 'No!' 'No!' 'No!' 'No!' 'No!' 'No!' 'No!'"-Well Babies Tragedy

"Whom does the prime minister prefer? Tinky Winkey, Dipsy, Po, or La-La?"-Will Ferrell

"In my diet you can't eat any bread or starch products. Can we eat pizza? No pizza! So we can have cheese pizza. No you can't have bread. So then we could have some dough with cheese and sauce. That's pizza!"-Morning Latte

"Get in the cage!"-The View

"He'll cold cock ya!"-Morning Latte

"Do I look like a horse's ass to you?"- Will Ferrell

"That would be swweeeeeeeeet!"-David Spade on Geek, Dweeb, or Spaz

"His kids are the extra kind of chunky that you know they're gonna grow up fat."-Will Ferrell

"I'm so mad, I make little race cars out of my poop!"-Steve Buscemi (Mad Tea Cup Party)


"Dick Cheney, you are now in the Axis of Evil."-President

"Yea I have all the time in the world!" "::cough::" "oh...actaully Beverly I should go, one of my patients is being a real knob job." "excuse me?" "yea, that was him. You know how it is Beverly..whats that? no, he doesn't look like that, close though. He's looking at me right now. His fat sweaty face sucking in air like a dying fish. You should see him. Between you and me, I'd like to stomp on his head until my feet are covered in brains." "ummm we can hear you!" "at least his wife has a big enough ass for a nice romp in the hay. Alright, well talk to you later Beverly. goodbye. Sorry about that I was just subscribing to some magizines." -Dr Will Ferrel with his patients

"Your baby is a witch!" "What? No! thats impossible!" "yea...sorry..I couldn't think of anything good. The truth is, we misplaced your baby." "YOU FONDRUK!" "Is that an actaul curse word?" "I..think so. When did you misplace him?" "It was right after the delivery. I went out to grab a bit to eat and I forgot I had him with me. Then I met some friends for a beer, went to a bo deans concert, and son of a fondruk if I didn't leave him at the concert hall. Thank god they had him the next day in the lost and found. Then I just flat out lost him!" ~ Dr Will Ferrel and his patients

"Tiger would swing these little plastic clubs around two and fro all the live long day." "My first conscience memory is my father crazy glueing these little plastic clubs to my hands. He had this crazy look in his eye and his hair was all messed up." ~ Tiger Woods and his Dad

Movie Quotes

"I was just checkin the specs on the end line...for the rotary...gurter...i'm retarded" - Tommy Boy

"We got no jobs, we got no food, our pets heads are falling off!"-Dumb & Dumber

"You a bitch."-Wedding Singer

"I know we have to cut the cake soon cause fat guy is gonna have a heart attack if we don't eat again..."-Wedding Singer

"What number did you dial?...2749er...What was that? Did I hear a 9er in there? Were you callin from a walkie talkie?"-Tommy Boy

"Take Tylenol for any headaches, Midol for any cramps."-Tommy Boy

"You can take away our phones, and you can take away our keys, but you can't take away our dreams! Yeah...cause we're like sleeping when we have them."-Night at the Roxbury

"I told ya Missmo was full of crap!"-Wedding Planner

"After he hit me, many times, in the head, with a hammer..."-Tommy Boy

"Goo!!"-Adam Sandler, Billy Madison

"Excuse me sir, I have to serve the beverages."-Wedding Singer

"News travels fast. Bad news travels faster. No news is good news. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Your turn..."-Love and Death

"How do you expect to teach children how to read when they can't even fit in the building."-Zoolander

"When I had my ulcers I was....farting razorblades."-Grumpy Old Men

"There are many women floating in the river, but your the only one, that I want to mount and hang over my fire over the fireplace...I didn't say it right."-Grumpier Old Men

"He's the village idiot from my town. What did you do place?"-Love and Death

"Shit I got water all over myself."-Wedding Singer

"What is it? "it's a gun rack!" A gun rack? I don't even have A gun, let alone many guns that would nessesitate an intire rack! What am I gonna do with a gun rack?!" -Wayne and Stacy

"Lloyd we have to be very careful. We are on a very tight budget. It's okay I was able to raise a few extra bucks before we left. How? I sold some stuff to Billy in 4C. Like what? Some baseball cards, a sack of marbles...(cough) Petey. You sold my dead bird to a blind kid. Lloyd, Petey didn't have a head. Harry, I took care of it."-Dumb & Dumber

"We landed on the moon!"-Dumb and Dumber

"I'm in psychoville and Finkel's the mayor....I saw the guys room...cozy if your Hannibal Lectar."-Ace Ventura

"I'm sorry did I hurt your equipment?"-Toy Story 2

"I'm already in the 40s I gotta go around the horn its quicker."-Toy Story 2

"I'll get the neosporin!"-Kung Pow Enter the Fist

"What, friends listen to Endless love in the dark."-Happy Gilmore

"Yes uncle Remus I know the catfish are huge."-Big Daddy

"Scott Evil: I was thinking I like animals. Maybe I'd be a vet. Dr. Evil: An evil vet? Scott Evil: No! Maybe like work in a petting zoo. Dr. Evil: An evil petting zoo? Scott Evil: You always do that!"-Austin Powers 2

"Dr. Evil: My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a 15 year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims, like he invented the question mark. Sometimes, he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy - the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical: summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring, we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds. Pretty standard, really."

"Austin Powers: There are only two things in this world that scares me and one is nuclear war. Basil: What's the other? Austin Powers: Huh? Basil: What's the other thing that scares you? Austin Powers: Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands."

"Draw something that resembles anything."-When Harry Met Sally

Friends Quotes

"These are my Thanksgiving pants!"-Joey

"I know!"-Monica

"Only 95% effective? They should put that on the box!"-Joey

"I grew up with Monica. If you didn't eat fast, you didn't eat!"-Ross

"Now you're just a girl in a tub."-Monica

"Feebes I broke the dog!-Joey

"Happy Valentine's Day...or something to remember me by..."-Ross

"Just one thing before you watch it...don't watch it."-Chandler

"Hi I'm Chandler...could I BE wearing any clothes?"-Joey

"I'm taking the cushion. You can't. The cushion is the essence of the chair. Yeah, well I'm taking your essence."-Joey and Chandler

"Chanandaler Bong! That's Mrs. Chanandaler Bong!"-Chandler

"How did you do that?"-Joey when he answered the door and the duck and rooster were standing there

"Chick is not a toy!"-Chandler

Will & Grace Quotes

"Shouldn't you be in your tree making cookies!"-Karen

"By the end I didn't even want to hear it for the boy."-Jack

"Now this howdy doody lookin mother fella.."-Jack

"Who cares about singing, we just want to go to Europe and shower together."-Jack

"Unlocking the mystery (insert eye glass part) of Karen Walker."-Jack

"I'm dedicating this one to the men and women in the armed forces."-Jack

"I'm a giver with no alterior motives."-Jack

"Beverly Leslie. You look more like a woman everytime I see you."-Karen

"Did my new liver come in?"-Karen

"Can't you just see Karen growing up. Cute little purse, cute little drink, cute little pills."-Jack

Seinfeld Quotes

"Why don't you just tell me the movie that you have selected."-Kramer

Kramer: "Who's gonna turn down a Junior Mint? It's chocolate, it's peppermint -it's delicious! Jerry: That's true. Kramer: It's very refreshing!"

"Serenity now!"-Mr. Costanza

Jerry: What do you do for a living, Newman? Newman: I'm a United States Postal Worker. Jerry: Aren't those the guys that always go crazy and come back with a gun and shoot everybody? Newman: Sometimes. Jerry: Why is that? Newman: Because the mail never stops. It just keeps coming and coming and coming, there's never a let-up. It's relentless. Every day it piles up more and more and more! And you gotta get it out, but the more you get it out the more it keeps coming in. And then the bar code reader breaks and it's Publisher's Clearing House day!

Jerry: Now why would a junior high school want to screw with my head? Kramer: Why does Radio Shack ask for your phone number when you buy batteries? I don't know.

Jerry: What happened to your face? It looks like an old catcher's mitt. Kramer: What?? My face is all craggly, it's crinkly! Jerry: It's from all that smoke. You've experienced a lifetime of smoking in 72 hours. What did you expect? Kramer: Emphysema, birth defects, cancer, but not this! Jerry, my face is my livelihood. Everything I have I owe to this face. Jerry: And your teeth, your teeth are all brown! Kramer: Look away, I'm hideous.

Jackie the lawyer: Miss Wilkie, your tobacco company has turned this beautiful specimen, into a horrible twisted freak. Kramer: Who could love me? Miss Wilkie: I disagree. In fact, I feel Mr. Kramer projects a rugged masculinity. Jackie: Rugged? The man's a goblin. He's only been exposed to smoke for four days. By the time this case gets to trial, he'll be nothing more than a shrunken head.

"I'm sitting in a tepid pool of my own filth." -Kramer talking about a bath

"No Jerry's not home, could I take your name and home phone number? No.... Oh that because you don't like being called at home? Well yeah.... Well now you know how I feel!" -Jerry talking to a telemarketer

Simpson Quotes

"Crazy talk, that's my cousin."-some Indian

"Homer are you holding on to the can? What's your point?"-Man trying to help him

"We'll find him boy, or run him over trying."-Homer

"Yoink!"-Jasper John

"Le grille..what's that?"-Homer

"Marge, you may hear some things about Bart working in a burlesque house..."-Homer

"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."-Homer

"What are you going to do? Send out the dogs, or the bees, or the dogs with bees and when the dogs bark the bees come out and sting you!"-Homer

"Don't cry for me, I'm already dead."-Barney

"Marge I am trying to get into heaven, not run for Jesus."-Homer

"But I don't even believe in Jebus. Jebus!!"-Homer

"I have misplaced my pants..."-Homer

"I have Mountain Dew or crab juice. Ick..yuck..I'll take the crab juice."-Homer

"Lisa, where's Christmas?"-Homer

"Where's Bart? His dinner is getting all cold..and eaten."-Homer

"(TV Commercial) Do you know where your children are? I told you last night no!"-Homer

"Man the torpedoes...put on our tuxedos?...I want some toquitos!-crazy man who lives with Grandpa

"I don't want to look stupid. I'll just take the mumu."Homer


"It's not enough to want the have to earn the cracker."-Homer

“Here are your messages: ‘You have thirty minutes to move your car.’ ‘You have ten minutes to move your car.’ ‘Your car has been impounded.’ ‘Your car has been crushed into a cube.’ ‘You have thirty minutes to move your cube."

"Don't look at me. I voted for Kotos."-Homer

"Reporter: Don't you think it's dangerous to send civilians into space? Homer: I'll handle this ... the only danger in space is if we land on the terrible Planet of the Apes...wait a minute...Statue of Liberty ... that was our planet! You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!"

"I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman!"-Homer

"I've got two questions. One, where's the fife? And two, gimme the fife."-Homer

Dad, I think he's an ivory dealer. His boots are ivory, his hat is ivory, and I'm pretty sure that cheque is ivory. Lisa, a guy who's got lots of ivory is less likely to hurt Stampy than a guy whose ivory supplies are low."-Lisa & Homer

"Oh, everything's cruel according to you. Keeping him chained up in the backyard is cruel. Pulling on his tail is cruel. Yelling in his ears is cruel. Everything is cruel. So excuse me if I'm cruel."-Homer

“Y’know,you remind me of a poem I can’t remember, and a song that may never have existed, and a place I’m not sure I’ve ever been to.”-Grandpa

"I always get the blame around here! Who threw a cane at the TV? Who fell into the china hutch? Who got their dentures stuck on the toilet?"-Grandpa

"My name is Barney and I'm an alcoholic. Mr. Gumbel, this is a girl scout meeting. Is it? Or is it that you girls can't admit that you have a problem."

"He didn't give you gay did he?"-Homer

"Dad, why did you bring me to a gay steel mill? I don't know."-Bart & Homer

"Hey, dogs don't talk...Woof!...Damn straight!"-Homer

"You did it Nibbles! Now, chew through my ball sack." -Principal Skinner

South Park

"Here's yours Wendy....and yours Cliiiide..."-Cartman

"Cartman, there is a 60 foot satellite sticking out of your ass! Sure guys...whatever!"-South Park

"Wendy, you will get me a yellow mega man because Kenny is a (pointing to chart) duck billed platapus."-Cartman

"Do you know what he said...he said about 3.50 (tree fitty)-Chef's dad

"I've been workin this piece for about three days..."-Cartman

"But mooom I need to get tell chef that he's marrying a succuuubuuus." -Cartman

"No starvin Marvin that's Kenny's creamed corn." -Cartman

"beefcake...BEEFCAKE!!!" -Cartman

"I'm such a beefcake I can't even fit through the door." -Cartman

"Ants in the pants, ants in the pants, you got me god damn ants in the pants!" -Cartman

"We have your woman outlaaaner!" -Cartman

"$95 to get your weiner massaged....that's a pretty good deal." -Butters


"Hey, I've got some hay!" -Joe Millionaire

"I'm a bicycle without the seat, I"m all up your ass." -Cedric the Entertainer

"They want you to take the rolls."-Boy Meets World

"I could be your boyfriend." -FM Nation

"This boat symbolizes a friendship. There is another boat in the harbor. It's a relationship." -FM Nation

"Bolton!" -Conan

"Number 21 is going straight to hell." -Conan

"How much would you pay for something like this? 10, 15 dollars!!! -Conan's response to how much he would pay for a rubber backing on a padlock