Romantic Interludes: Hsi Wu X Jade?!

Ai No Jade, Ai No Demon

GRRRRRRRRRR! This needs revamping, it's so boring! look for a snazzier version in the hopefully near future <(*_*))>

Hsi Wu X Jade is my favorite pairing in Jackie Chan Adventures. Why? It's just the most fun! Not to mention that when he's Seymour......they're just so cute together! When he acted like her friend, it really worked. Plus, Jade had REAL feelings for him. Okay, they were feelings of strong friendship, not really a couple. I actually find this relationship better than a straightforwad romance. This is actually the only probable sort of romance between Jade and another character. Don't think so? Here ae some reasons/examples of what I mean.........


-Please!No! He's soooooo annoying and a tad judgemental. Not to mention ugly. She deserves cooler.......soooo much cooler. I'd give Drew to someone like Dee Dee from Dexter's Lab. I know its cruel and unusual punishment, but ever heard of divine justice?


-Gag! El Toro, El Toro!What a little sh**! He's sooooo friggin annoying with that! If he'd only shut up about his favorite luchadore, he'd be cool. Sheeeeeeesh! At least he looks cooler than the aformentioned spore. Plus, he and Jade would fight all the time. If he could get over his lucha libre obsession, he'd be an excellent candidate for the affections of Jade. But I don't believe that she cares for him in "that" way. For instance, whenever he tries to kiss her ( a traditional Mexican greeting), she stops him. Oh, and for the record, JACKIE RULES!!!!!!!!!Take that, Snot-co!!!!!BWAAAHAAAAAA!(Yes, I know this is cruel. My apologies Paco~snicker!) Has anyone but me heard Paco's spanish voice from the spanish dub of the show (God bless our dvds)? He's got a pretty deep voice for a ten year old.


-Yes, this couple actually exists. UGGHHHH! Its just sick, he's what?twenty seven? she's like eleven? Just wrong! I canunderstand if it's his son or somehing, bt this is THE Valmont from the television show! SOOOOOO Disturbing!!!!!! Words cannot convey the grossness or utter wrongness of this couple! Unless its that cute 11 year old version...
See why Hsi WuX Jade is the pairing of choice? Yeah, thought you would. now what?
Devil In Disguise