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~~~The Magyar Circus~~~

~* Appears from out of nowhere~*

Greetings! WELCOME to the Magyar Circus! No, no, you have no need to sheild your children's eyes! I am not naked, although I may look it. What you are seeing is my natrual form. I assure you, I am quite decent. Come now, don't be afraid... *smiles*

That's better, come forth. My fellow performers wouldn't DREAM of harming anyone. After all, we like to ENTERTAIN people in our circus, not SCARE them away.

Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gihia Szankid, or 'Gigi' as I am known when I am doing my acts.

What's that you say? Am I human? Yes, yes I certainly am human to the core. However, I will not detain you here for you to listen to my life story. You have all day to do that, not the mention the fact that everything you need to know about the Magyar Circus in the Scroll Trailer.

If you have ANY questions, raves, rants, recommendations or donations (which would be lovely, *giggle*) then do no hesitate to contact me and I will see what I can do.

And now, do not hesitate any further! ENJOY THEEEEEEEEEE MAGYARRRRRRRR CIRCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guestbook by

I am an InvisaHolic and proud of it. Question is... are YOU?


~My heart sincerly goes out to those who lost their loved ones in the September 11th tragedy. Lest We Forget and may Justice Be Served. RIP Elisabeth Conners, my dearest cousin.~


And now for some light entertainment...

Rooooooollll up!!!

My History
The Performers
Thanks and Credits
About the Creator
Gihia's *Wishful Thinking* Men
My Pet Gallery
The Meeting Caravan
The Female Butt-Kicker
The Invisible Man Picture Gallery
