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April 9, 2003

So, I'm over a year old now. Had one of those birthday celebration things of my own for the first time back in January. It wasn't bad; I think I'll keep doing that every year.

That whole big holiday between Presents Days, you remember the one with the big booms and all the rain? That was kinda scary, but it was a lot prettier than I remembered from the other big boom day last summer. Maybe I'm just getting used to it, I dunno. People did lots of celebrating in January, and they even celebrated long after my birthday. I don't know what the Buccaneers are or what the SuperBowl has to do with my birthday, but I'm glad they were all celebrating my birth, if a little late. :)

And since I knoooow you're all wondering, Aunt Jack said she's got more pictures of me and Brother Gage to put up, so expect those some time before my next birthday. Nothing but love for ya all! PEACE!

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