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Ok, well, I never thought my site would offend somebody, but apparently (according to my dad), it might, so here's the deal: My site is one of my way of expressing MY RIGHTS! That means I can say what I want. So here is your warning: If my site has stuff your parents don't like (i.e. ocasional swearing to prove my point) DON'T GO! My dad told me to take a word off my site because he doesn't want people's parents calling him and yelling at him for swear words. You know what I have to say? Too bad. If your Mummy or Daddy doesn't like my site, show them this: I AM WARNING YOU RIGHT NOW THAT THERE MAY BE SWEAR WORDS ON MY SITE AND I AM NOT TAKING THEM OFF UNLESS *I* WANT TO, WHICH I MOST LIKELY WON'T SO THERE! Don't get me in trouble because you're stupid. Yeah, ya know what, that sounds mean, but I never said I was a sugary sweet little angel, and I don't have to stop my self from saying anything, because even though I may not be an adult, I DO have freedom of speech. And I have inherited alot of my Dad's personality traits:
1) is obviously a bad temper. I don't like being told what I can and can't do.
2) is my ability not to care what other people think. I didn't make you come here, so don't blame me if you don't like the content! If you have read all this, click the exclamation at the end of the previous sentence to enter my site, because from here on out I'm just going to ramble on for the people who didn't read this so hahaha! Anyway, I don't see how anyone could be stupid evough not to read this, because that is just dumb. Forget the click to enter sign, that is just a phony, to see how dumb people think I am. Haer rea reyh aer greh raeh reh aewyt juyk awe ndndy mndt eu r brsth srth heey fghrs tsrt tsy! W tsjys erhaer fghere jurt ghr fgwwe rjnd yrje rjey hrwtu y tryw rtue ysrty yju try utkitpi... bn rty hlryiu ertq bx fghe?