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My High School Pic

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    For those who don't know me, let me tell you a little about me. I'm 5'4" with blonde hair and blue eyes. I like to chat on the computer and on the phone. When I'm on the computer, I like chat with friends on AIM and yahoo messanger. My handle for AIM is katelyn141269 and my handle for yahoo is moonlight_princess_840. When I'm not on the computer, I'm usally hanging out with friends, spending time with my family or spending time with my cats. When I'm with my friends, we go to the mall or just hang out and talk about stuff. Sometimes me and my friends like to sit down and drink. Don't forget to check my Myspace profile.

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    *~Jess~* You are my girl and I love you. I'm glad that we stayed in touch after school. I'm always here for you. Kick Bill's @ss!!!

    *~Kathy~* I love and miss you girl. Don't forget about me. I'm always here for you. Thanks for being there for me thro the rough times. I may not of gotten thro it without you. You need to beat the hell out of Brandon for what he did to you.

    *~Amy~* Thanks for always being there for me. You helped me out a lot. I'm glad that we became friends. Oh Yeah, thanks for stabbing me in the back at work. Some friend you turned out to be.

    *~Betty~* Hey girl, you may act a little crazy at times, but your still my friend. I'm glad that we got to know eachother.

    *~Ang~* You can be crazy, but I love you. I'm glad that we got to know eachother. We got to hang out some more. You make everything fun.

    *~Scott~* Hey.. I'm glad that we got to know eachother. You are such a great friend. I fell like I can tell you anything. Thanks for being there.

    *~Bobby~* Thanks for helping me create this page. Without you, I wouldn't of been able to do it.

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    The above Site is my sponsor and co-creator of my site. Which also happens to be my brother. Check out his site to see what all he can do.