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Title: Future Endevers
Rating: PG-13
Author: Sorceress aKa The One Called Death
Show: Angel/ Special Unit: 2

Disclaimer: I own no shows mentioned in any of my fics, where have you been?

Jonathan: So the only people who can see him are children...
Nick: ... And me. [looks at Kate] I thought I'd make the joke before anyone else does.
Kate: Nice defensive maneuver...
-From the episode "The Invisible"
(Note: I'll move from view to view. *shrugs* some of my best work has been done that way!)

She stepped through the hotel and looked around for someone. It was a pretty good looking hotel from what she could tell by. She really wanted to find out where her little sister was. Having to deal with one of them in the mist of staying with her was one thing, but her Cordy was able to put up a life for herself. Just as she did. She never lived in Sunnydale, only her sisters had, and she was glad Cordy had gotten away from the family that resided there.

Kate was on vacation, and so was Nick. Although he chose to go to New York to lookup some of his old buddies from when he was younger. And Kate brought Alice with her, since she had just come back from this large city months ago. And the case they had been on, she begged with the captain to take Alice with her so she wouldn't be alone and because she had never been here.

"May I help you?" A man stepped out of the office and was carrying a very large book with him. And from the way the man talked, she was thinking that he was from England. Then two other men, and a woman stepped out. One of them was tall, dark hair, dark eyes and had a leather jacket on. The other guy had an ice-cream cone is his hands, and he was also very cute, she thought to herself. The girl didn't look like the others, well with the personality. She was petite, sandy brown hair, she had a cute little dress on that made her seem so innocent. And from what she could tell probably always had some kind of smile on all the time.

"Yea, doesn't Cordelia Benson work here?" They looked at each other.

"Benson?" The one with the leather coat asked.

"Eh, maybe Chase? You know she's fairly tall, somewhat of a dark haired vixen." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Yes, a Cordelia Chase works here, but how do you know her? And why did you ask for a Benson?"

"Well, last time I saw her, that was her last name. And I'm her older sister." They looked at Kate with wide eyes. "Do you guy's know where she is? I haven't seen her since she was 14."

"14? Why wait to even speak to her after all that while?" The English man asked.

"I do talk to her, a lot of family problems, and I live nowhere near here."

The sound of a door shutting had everyone's attention. A woman, and two guys entered the hotel.

"Lookie lookie who I have Katie." The short haired blonde skipped in.

"Ok, I don't wanna know why you guys are here, just ah, quiet."

"Well, we now know where Cordy gets her charms from." The new group heard the woman say.

"Ok, before we ask anymore question, may I have you names?" Kate asked the group.

"Well, My name is Wesley. This beautiful female here is Fred, the one with the ice-cream is Gunn and this one here is Angel." Her introduced everyone. "May we have your name?"

"Sure. My name is Kate Benson. And I have no clue why these guys are here, but I'll tall ya who they are anyway. *shrugs* Before ya asked anyway. Ok, the short is Carl, the one that looks like he needs a life is Nick and the hyper blonde is Alice." Kate received some looks from her coworkers, all she did was smile.

"I resent that remark." Nick and Carl both said at the same time. Then the old fashion glares between both of them had started.

"Oh, well since you're Cordelia's sister, I'm sure you could stay for a bit?" Fred said, then in a shy manner to her friends.

"There's no problem here." Gunn said finishing up the ice-cream cone.

Cordelia heard soft voices as she stepped into the doors. She set down her shopping bags, and walked to the office where she was hearing the noise.

". . . and then our dad had the camera in hand." Her face went as pale as a ghost, as she recognized the voice that she had grown up with.

She entered and everyone looked at her, well mostly everyone. Carl was to busy drooling, so Nick had slapped him upside the head. In the process almost undoing the cap he had on to cover his ears from the humans. (or so he thought to be humans)

"Kat? What are you doing here?" A smile had slowly made it's way upon her face.

"Ah, thought that the world could wait a week. I needed to see my baby sister."

"Yes, any female as tempt. . ." He wasn't able to finish his sentence as Nick had once hit him. "And would you please stop doing that?"

The others saw Kate just shake her head and laugh at the same time. "You two will never change."

"Who are they?" Cordy pointed to the now duo pair of males, Alice had gone to the press. A link was always a step behind SU:2's best team.

"Oh, this is my partner Nick O'Malley, and that's just Carl." She added with a shrug. The little gnome wasn't very happy.

"Ok, I will not let you or O'Malley get on my nerves. Cause I know how much you two need me."

"Does last Tuesday night at 11:32pm right a bell to you? Say around Melray St.?" Nick said, and Carl went slightly pale.

"Uh, did I hear my mother call me?" Kate and Nick just glared at him.

"It seems you three have a sort of bond." Cordy responded with a tiny giggle escaping her lips.

Cordy received some somber looks from the three she just spoke to. Nick was planning on saying something, but refrained in doing so.

The team had spent a couple of hours more to spend time with Kate's little sister. They thought that little links were all Benson and O'Malley had to worry about. Nick's return from New York was a little surprising, though Kate found out that Nick had gotten bored, and since they were outta town the Captain had told them to keep an eye on Carl. And the best person was Nick O'Malley.

*change view to a local playground*

A group of teenagers were hanging around the playground with nothing better to do. There were three guys and five girls. Each of the guys had their school jackets on, showing that they had played on one of the school teams.

"Guys, ca'mon let's find something more fun to do." A blonde that was sitting on a swing complained. She stuck a lollipop in her mouth, the way a usual air head female teenager would.

"Like what? There's no danger, and that's what I want." The other girls looked at the boy that had just talked.

"Well, how about we all take off? Oh, and Brandon if you want a little danger you can always come with me and Tessie here." The brunette said.

"Hmm, a little two on one, nice thinking Abbie." The both went to each side of the boy.

"Okie guys, lets go and leave Bran to his fun." One of the other boys had said.

The group of three slowly walked towards a warehouse, and entered.

"Hey guys, did I leave my book here?" A blue-eyed beauty came walking back, along with Carl.

"Umm, I don't think you did." Angel replied as he got up to greet Cordelia's sister.

"Do we have to be here this late at night? This place gives me the creeps." He went closer to Kate. "It smells like a Trilong was here." He whispered to her. All she did was roll her eyes.

However, Angel heard that. ~How does he know what a demon is, and Kate seemed to know what is was too. ~

"Hmm, I don't know maybe you left it in th. . ." However she couldn't finish because a vision had overcome her whole body, then with Gunn on one side and Angel on the other side.

"What's happening?" Kate rushed over to her sister, but Wesley stopped her.

"I knew there was something funny about her." Carl said and received glares from each of the men.

"What do you mean funny?" Angel said through clenched teeth. He really didn't like it when people said things about Cordy.

"It's really simple Kate, your sister is a seer. You remember that link we locked up a month ago? The tall and purple one?"

"Wait a minute, she has visions?" He nodded his head. "Ouch."

Her vision had stopped a couple seconds ago, but had heard that her sister knew about seers.

"Ok, first two of you go to a warehouse, near the old playground on . . . 5th street. Then I need someone to help me. There's only two vamps, both female." She said while rubbing her head.

"Angel, how about you and Gunn go. I want to make sure Cordy is ok, and find out how our friends here know about what Cordy."

"Wait a minute, vampires?" She looked over at Carl.

"Uh, use the green."

"Ok, I'm going with." Kate said walking towards the door. " And believe me, you won't be needing any kind of weapon."

They looked at her and shrugged. "And why do you think we're gonna let you."

"Probably because when I make up my mind on something I stick to it. Us Benson's are very stubborn. Including my little sister."

"I say she goes, if she's anything like Cordy she wont take no for an answer."

They drove down to the warehouse, of course taking Kate's car, since she had insisted. Once they had arrived she went to the trunk of the car and took out her standard gun.

"Nice piece! What is it?" Gunn said while looking behind her back.

"Ah, its just my usual. Though, Carl did say green."

"Green?" Angel asked, confusion written on his face.

She shrugged. "Ammo." The nodded and they went inside.

"So, vampire's really exist? Though with what I've seen I wouldn't be surprised." She mumbled on about.

"Yea, they're real." Gunn said then looked at Angel with a grin.

They heard a scream. "That would be our cue." With that Angel bust down the door and walked right in.

"He reminds me of someone I know." Kate said following Angel and Gunn.

"Hello ladies, I hope I didn't disturbed your midnight meal." Angel said going in the direction of them.

"Angel stop. Just tell me, are the two women the vamps." Kate asked.

"Well, yeah." He looked over to the girls, who were looking with interest. A human who didn't know what they were.

Kate just smiled, raised her gun and fired two rounds. In the blink of an eye they both blew up and she also left a shocked Vampire and a shocked Gunn.

Coming out of his stupor Gunn replied. "Where can I get one?"

Kate laughed then shook her head. "Sorry, you can't. I think I'd outta get Carl. Though I don't think he'll be leaving soon."

"How come you had to strap him to the chair?" Gunn asked as they walked back to the car, while Angel helped the poor teenager out of the warehouse.

"With him, you just have too."

When they got back to the hotel, Cordy was just looking at Carl with a blank expression on her face. They walked towards her, and she turned to them.

"He still won't say anything. He is the most annoying, exasperating. . ."

"I know, I know. I work with him, remember? I'll call you when I get back home, I got a call from my boss. My partner is getting everything else ready." Kate went to the chair and released Carl from his confides.

"Ok." Cordelia went to her sister and gave her a hug. After she did she walked her to the door, out of the hotel, and out of LA.