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Kammy's Page

Name: Kamber

Age: 15

D.O.B: April 18,1986

Hobbies: Hanging out at the theatre, doing shows, hanging with friends, talking on the phone, dancing, dancing, and more dancing, playing 'football' with Tommy and Raymond (hehe),acting, singing, shopping, rooting for UCLA (basketball and football) and tons more!

Boyfriend: Not now but there is someone I gots my eye on. He knows who he is and yeah enough said. If you don't know already then you've been leaving under a rock! Hehe! J/K!

Shout Outs!

Kasey Jane~Hey my sexy crunch! How are ya? You are the bestest friend/sister that anyone could ask for! You have been there through everything and I will never forget you for it! I love you! How does popcorn go? Hehe! How cute are we? TOO CUTE!!! HEHE!!

TOMMY!!!~Hey Jack! Thank you for being there through everything! *smooches* I'm not sure what to call ya now but yeah! Thank for all the advice and encouraging words and jokes to brighten my day! I love you! *Poke* Buh Byes! Let's play some 'football'!!! Thanks for the shoulder too!

Melissa~Hey SA! Thanks for always being there for me! And remember that I am always here for you and don't let anyone conquer you...aight? GOOD! I will be mad if you do! Anyways I love ya and thank you again! Buh Byes! Jason~DADDY!!! Thank you so much, again! It was another rough show but you helped me pull through with the help of others. Thank you for the advice and the shoulder to cry on. We didn't get to go on our walk this time but it's alright! Love ya! Your Spoiled Rotten Princess!

I didn't put everyone done cuz that would have taken me days! There are so many people that I need to thank and I wouldn't be able to thank them all! So thank you all, you know who you are! Thanks for everything, the talks and the hugs! They mean a lot! Love ya muchos!


"You wouldn't understand, it's a dancer thing."


"Dance like no one is watching."

"To my special someone (you know who you are):Last night I looked up at the stars and tried to match each one with a reason why I love you, I was doing great but, I ran out of stars."

"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."

"If lovin' you is wrong, I don't wanna be right."

"The opposite sex is the most dangerous and addictive drug out there but the high is unlike anything else."

"Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile so when you are lonely remember it's true somebody somewhere is thinking of you."

"Im not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care,I'm not supposed to live my life, wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do, I'm sorry I just can't help myself, I fell in love with you"

"How can you be friends with someone if everytime you look at them, it makes you want them even more?"

I think that's it for now! Love ya! TTYL! Buh Byes!

Kammy aka Sally Dawkins

P.S. The picture up above is me when I was like 4.