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What Idiot let ME have space on the internet?????

What Idiot let ME have space on the internet?????


So, this is my page, I hope ya like it! (And if not, you can kiss my arse)

Ummm, OK, so a little bit about myself... Well, my name is Justina but I'm somewhat better known as Jess. I'm 15, about 5'8 with long blonde hair and blue-green eyes depending on my mood. My favorite colours are- well, if you can't tell by looking at this page you're reeealllly slow, and my favorite animals are... Men! Just kidding, just kidding! The best TV show EVER is The Simpsons and my fave movie of all time is The Fast & The Furious. Raaarrrr! I live in Camrose, Canada where I go to the Composite High School (Yarg) where I pretend to learn and always do my homework (Yeah, I'm sooo sure. In case you can't tell, that is MAJOR sarcasm.) I'm mainly in Grade 10 (dun ask) and.... Well, that's about it. So, what's the most important part of school other than boys? My friends! Let me introduce them: (in alphebetical order)--Uh-oh. Due to some veeery annoying nagging, I am not putting up some peoples names. Let it hereby be known that they are remaining anonymous.
Thiiis is **CENSORED**, also known as ***CENSORED**. Just for convenience sake, let's call her 'B'. Things everyone needs to know about her? 1- She's reeeallllly little (5'05!) 2- She's veeeery odd 3- Ask anyone, they'll tell you about her "nails from hell"! For a preachers daughter, B sure is... Well, bad! But fun. She's gunna have 5 foot long hair one day (heehee as tall as she is!), that is, if I dun get to her hair with scissors first!
Chris, aka ChiChi, has just been around forever. I can't really say much cuz I really dun know nethin about 'em but he actually plays the piano really well. Well that sucked.
Chris- The OTHER Chris. Eeeuuuhh.. Well, he's smart, but has a very, very, very, very sick mind. That is such a defilement of the pure art of chemistry. But, if you time it right, he can actually (don't tell him I said it) be mature, fun and a good person! But I'll deny I said it under oath.
This is Channy! Also known as polygamist girl because she asks everyone to marry her, she's a reeeaally funny noufie (or, to SOME of you, newfie). She's dating Dave! And (Not to make her out as a drunk) she looovvveeess a good drink. She also wants to be a teach, so watch out all little kids! (Okay chidren, for todays class, who wants to marry me? I'm a Newfie!!!)
**BEEEEEEEP** aka **BEEEEEEEP**, who for the sake of reference we will call 'D', likes to believe she is "the girlfriend of the intoxicatingly gorgeous Duo Maxwell", and is one ooooood cookie! Little, like 5'2 or sumthin, the only thing she likes more than the internet is our friend **BEEEP**!!!!(
Well, I don't have a picture of David, but if you can imagine a really tall old guy (17, what a moldy oldie!) who looks kinda like a porcupine, you got David! His hair is waaaay stuck up and funky, but watch it, you can only touch it if you've gone 2 second base with him! Watch Dragon Boy cuz it HURTS when he beats you up. He will never beat me in Rummy or Bitch, but all in all he's pretty OK for my arch nemisis.
This is EXACTLY like Janine! She's also known as Grandma. Well, she most definately had a unique style and is a good friend. Oh yeah, and she LOVES Janis Joplin and wants to be a hippie. Oh yeah, dun tell nebody but she really likes her friend Jessie!
Since I can't find ANY pictures of guys, ur gunna hafta imagine *BEEP* too. Remember, he's the one we will, for no reason in particular, call The Prof. Well, he's the biggest sk8er dude EVER and is kinda one of the hugest aRses I know. BUT he's funny. And he is waaaay too into his a-damned-counting homework!!
This is Kelsey AKA Oni, Dabsys sister. She has odd friends, but is koo. Oh yeah, and her BF is TOTALLY my mortal enemy. But we all want to see her set up w/Hyph!
Voila Kristen aka Dabsy. Ask most anybody what word comes to their head thinking of her and you get one of 3 things- Cat, Crazy, Sexy! She is a huuuuuuge goth. Poor chickie lives all the way down in Hay Lakes. She's an ooooooold lady- 17 can you believe it?? Her newest bf is Spencer-- she's a pedafile! But daz ok, cuz they're perfect 4 each other. Most the time she hates me, but meh. And if you're looking for ANYONE in the provinces phone #, you'll find it on the wall of her room- that is, it you can survive the trip through her room!
Megz- er, Paigers- is also a koo goth. These daRned people change their looks so much I can't find a pic 4 'em! Gah. Ummm what about her.. She loves animals especially cats and men, but could never be a vet AS she found out in one unfortunate incident which ended in a concussion. She absolutely abhores gym class but is usually dragged by someone. She lives w/her fuuuunnny sis BJ (Betty Jean not Blow Job) and her kyute neice Brittney. Most definately the best example of a bitch I have ever saw, she is the only chicky- actually, the only person- I have ever known who can burp the alphabet! She almost as car crazy as I am, and most of the time has really good taste in guys too.
So what can I say about Ryan The McThing That Never Shuts Up? He's mean.
Scot- He's nice and koo, and actually sometimes mature but fun. But a pervy.
I really dun know anything about Sheena, cuz she just showed up one day like Channy.. But she's reeeally lucky in cards, and very smart. But she seems like a nice and actually normal addition to the group. But I miss her egg baby! If you ever need an egg-sitter for CALM class, you know who to call!
So, what to say about Suzanne... Heh heh. Well, she also hates me. Umm something to her credit.. She has her strong points. Oh, AND it is reeeallly funny to watch Chi beat her up. And I guess she makes gym tolerable.
Last is Tristan also known as Hyphy (tristan~t-man~ t hyphen man~ hyphen~ hyphy. WHY is that so hard????)He is really good at art and math and is too smart and quiet for his own good. He's been around 4ever and is sorta almost related to me... Ummm oh YEAH, and his dogs are mutants. Lotsa times he says kinda stupid things, but is learning to remedy that! *Mutters* Stupid rich-kids....
This is my fantabulous sister!!!! Although she duzn't go 2 school w/me, I thought I'd put her on NEwayz. She's currently 24 and she works at the local employment center- but on top of that she still manages to double as the worlds bestest big sister ever.
Well, that's about all I have the energy to type, so I'll just link ya to my other pages and get off this accursed computer.

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