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hey you.. what do you want??? Free Java Chat Room HAVE FUN. GO MAD.

I try to have a little fun each day. It's important. This page is a work in progress.. It will probably never be done.. At least not until Ian teaches me more coding.. Thank you Ian!! Just got some weird news.. I'm Polish.. How did this happen?? How did this little fact escape attention for all this time?? Who the heck told me I was Russian?? 20-some odd years, (nevermind how many exactly) I've been deceived... I guess I get to go through my quarter-life identity crisis now! In spite of what I may tell you, I'm an expert on only one topic: ME!

In regards to going to the Adult Mixer, if you're clever enough to come to this page in an effort to try to get me to raise the limit of the number of people allowed to attend, forget it. However, if you're really nice, I'll give you the club name (which is in San Jose) and the date and time. If you just happen to show up, well, there's nothing I can do about, that can I? The details won't be posted on the mixer page except to those attending. So, if you want to go, be sure to check back here later as I won't be posting the details on the website. Thanks all. Or as Amber would say, Let's party down Yo!!

Magnified image of the dustbunnies under your couch so please please, think before you vaccuum. Think-tion before extincton!! SAVE THE DUSTBUNNIES!!!

Representin' Germany, Mexico, Portugal, Philippines, and Russia...

Translate to any of these languages.

Language: Direction:
Into English
From English

Oh and Sonny is representing Thailand!

Click here for Tijer's Trigger Happy New York City Photos!!!!!!

Shout outs to the P's-I-C in my UF: Andre, Alex, Tiffany, Wayland, Marcella, Lloyd & Maria, Jenn and Marlene!!!

I need some new friends for my FRIENDSTER.. send invites to ME!!..THANKS~~~