being jennifer garrett
Every day an adventure in mediocrity
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Friday, September 29    

Last night, I received my new Title Nine catalogue. I was only semi-excited, as most of their goods are too expensive (though very good), so I usually only allow myself to buy sports bras from them. (Not to bring up the rack again, but the girls need support, yo.) I flipped through during the commercials, and lo and behold, there was a new sports bra that I needed. And they had a whole clearance section with stuff I could afford! This was very exciting. I went through it and circled a bunch of items that I clearly had to have, and this morning, I hit the site to put my order in. Except. Yeah. The bra I wanted? Not available until November. The clearance items I wanted? Sold out. Or available. In white. I was totally turned back. Harshly rebuffed. Cruelly denied. And I really wanted to spend some money, too, dammit.

  posted @ 8:17 AM |

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