Bring It On

Ok, maybe this page shouldn't be all about bring it on, but let's face it, the movie is about cheerleading, and cheerleaders rule the world today. If you're popular, you're most likely a cheerleader. If not, you're lucky to be popular. I mean, look where the movie has gotten Kirsten Dunst! Just yesterday, I saw her new movie, Crazy/Beautiful, and it wuz AWESOME! She's got jobs being thrown at her left and right! She barely had time to finish Crazy/Beautiful and start her new movie, Spiderman. Well, I'm getting off-track, so anywayz, cheerleaders are the future of mankind. Not just for girls, but boys to. Don't like cheerleading? It's probably time you get you the program. It's the new millenium, and cheerleaders are the shit. Not a cheerleader? Too bad. Want to be? Maybe you didn't get accepted, maybe you forgot to tryout, or maybe you're grades aren't high enough. Whatever the reason, you're missing out. The closest thing to being a cheerleader, other than being one of course, is knowing the cheers. Or maybe cheers from a movie. I don't go to your school, so I have no idea what your cheers are. But I do watch movies, and I know what the Bring It On cheers are. Here are a couple from Bring It On:

Beginning Cheer:
I'm sexy, I'm cute, I'm popular to boot
I'm bitchin, great hair, the boys all love to stare
I'm wanted, I'm hot, I'm everything you're not
I'm pretty, I'm cool, I dominate this school
Who am I? just guess, guys wanna touch my chest
I'm rockin, I'm smile, and many think I'm bile (I guess that's the word)
I'm flyin, I jump, you can look but don't you hump
I'm danger, I roar, I swear I'm not a whore
We cheer and we lead, we act like we're on speed
Hate us cuz we're beautiful, but we don't like you either
We're cheerleaders, we are cheerleaders
Role call!
Call me Big Red
I'm W-W-Whitney
I'm big man Carver, yeah!
Just call me Kacy, oh!
I'm still Big Red!
(Big Red only)I sizzle, I scorch, but now I've passed the torch
The ballads, are in, and one girl had to win
She's perky, she's fun, and now she's number 1
K-Kick it Torrance!
(Torrance)I'm strong and I'm loud, I'm gonna make you proud
I'm T-T-Torrance, your captain Torrance!
(all)Let's (clap), go (clap), Toros (clap, clap, clap)
We are the Toros
The mighty, mighty Toros
We're so terrific, we must be toros!!
The song Cliff writes for Torrance:
Oh Torrance
Can't stand ur cheerleading squad
But I love ur pom-poms
I'd feed you bon-bons all night
Yeah, u got me to feel all those butterflies inside
in ur locker I would hide
it's true, it's only u i see
and ur just what i need
i'll bring u flowers everyday
just to roll you in the hay
I'll be that guy
i'm right on time
i know i'll get my way
1-and ur just what need
ur just what i need
not everything works as it seems
u need someone to believe
repeat 1
The cheer the other team does at the football game:
Hey Toros!
That's right
the re, black, and white
guess what?
guess what?
you really suck!!
What the toros say back to them:
That's alright
that's ok
ur gonna pump our gas someday
That's alright
that's ok
ur gonna pump our gas someday
Let's go toros x5
ahhhh right!
We're sweet
we got the whiff
we can't be beat
we're the best
our team's to cool
we got the class to rock this school
ahhhhhhhhh yeah!
we bad
we got the team
we can't be had
we're the best
so score them points
u win the game
we'll rock this joint
go toros, go toros
go, go, go toros
go toros, go toros
go, go, go toros
our game is fierce
and we r hip
so get on back
u can't touch this
our game is bad
we're without fear
so get that weak mess outta here!!
Knock 'em down
roll 'em around
come on defence
Knock 'em down
roll 'em around
come on defence
Knock 'em down
roll 'em around
come on defence
Knock 'em down
roll 'em around
come on defence
I said
Brrr...It's cold in here
There must be sum toros in the atmosphere
I said
Brrr...It's cold in here
There must be sum toros in the atmosphere
I said
ice ice ice
slow it down
ice ice ice
here we go!
that's all i can think of right now, if u know of any more, let me know, and i'll find the words to 'em :):):