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-Birthday- December 29, 1947

-R.I.P- January 20, 2003

-Ya know, I really do not understand the way that god works. I am not mad at god for taking my father away from me and my family but I just don't see why it had to be now when my life was just getting started. I do know that god will never let something happen to me that I cannot handle, but I am not sure if I can handle this loss. I love you dad with all of my heart and someday I will be with you in heaven. <3

Dad, as I saw you lying on that hospital bed

I couldn't help but think you were never coming back to me.

It's such a frightening thing to think especially when you are only 18 years old.

As I watched you lay there with tubes and all,

I knew you weren't in very much pain.

Dad, you are a very strong and powerful man

Which held our family so close together.

We are strong for you Dad,

I am strong for you Dad

Because I want to succeed now for YOU and our FAMILY.

I don't understand why God would do such a thing,

But I do know that God will never let something happen that I cannot handle.

Right now, this I cannot handle.

But I am strong for you Dad

And I know life must go on.

I know you wouldn't want me to give up

So I stay strong for you Dad.

I know you are in a better place now Dad

Where you are in no such pain at all.

I can't imagine what heaven is like

But I know it is peaceful and that you are in that peaceful place.

A peaceful place where other spirits and angels fly

And where people are happy and full of joy.

I know you are watching over me Dad

And I couldn't ask for a better gift.

Don't worry Dad, I love you with all of my heart

And someday I will too be in heaven with you.

So don't worry Dad because in the end we will be re-united once again.

You are in my dreams Dad.

No more nightmares because I now have the answer.

You are within my dreams not to haunt nor scare me

But to show me your spirit is still alive and still right by my side.

Remember Dad, we will meet once again in that place that they call heaven. <3

-Heather Stafford-

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