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experience the thundering divinity of FROHIKE

you might be saying "what is up with the fuzzy low quality images?! damn! lets start a 'get jess a quality camera!'" but NO!

the reason for such inferior looking technology is simple. it has nothing to do with technology, but instead the 5th right of the new age telekinetic aura....stuff produced from this magnificant being.

god? savior? demon? one can only be sure this kitty is amazing.

through the mighty aura (you can get yours by calling miss cleo and paying merely your life savings!) he can channel in your vibes. spooky, yes?

and this service is being offered to YOU!

for years frohike has studied the art of psychic spookyness, training from such individuals and the spiritual culty people in lilydale to the almighty miss cleo herself. watch him blow them *all* away!

simply email this amazing kitty with your questions of your life and be willing to have you questions shared as living proof to any rancid skeptics

this will change your life! start here! the time is NOW

if you watch television really late at night in the 4th demension you will be able to visually see these startling revelations in Frohike's mighty INFORMERCIAL

glorious beans