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.::*K8's DeLiGhT*::..::*K8's DeLiGhT*::..::*K8's DeLiGhT*::..::*K8's DeLiGhT*::.

I finally updated! U go girl!
Man I wont add jack shit for now cuz I'm currently in class rite now...I made another payge but dat one is purty goddamn lame also. no worries, im in ma website design class rite now so imma improve ma skills sooner or later cuz i got adobe go live now...kekeke...ok dats all take carez peepo!

***| | Ma 4 DuBbO WuN | |***


.::NaMe::. Kaitlin
.::AgE::. 18br> .::BdAy::. Nov.24.84
.::HeIgHt::. ummm....iono...5'6ish...
.::NaT::. Viet
.::LoCaTiOn::. So CaLi-949
.::SeX::. I prefer sideways..LoLz...j/k, ya all know I'm a virgin.=)
.::StAtUs::. Taken, and happy=)
.::Ma LiKeZ::. Kicken with ma frendz, partyin, shoppin, roadtripz with frendz, soccer, going to da beach at nite, sexy males...nething exciting, wild, fun, and krazie as hellz..
.::Ma DiSLiKeZ::.*Sigh* offs, everyone who think they all dat, ppl dat stare...players: Been there-done it-so shut the f*** up and leave me alone!hmmm..everyone dat hates me! But I really dun see da reason why ya would hate lil me..heez...
.::FaVe CoLoRz::. lavender, babyblue, hotpink
.::FaVe wOrDs/SayInGz::. "Keep it real, homiez!"- Jim's Dad from Am. Pie 2, "Rendevouz", "repugnant"- lol dun ask why.." Life's like a dick, if it get's hard-fuck it"
.::FaVe JaMz::. "Lost in Paradise", "Rendevouz", "You make me feel like dancing", "Around in my heart", "Superstar" me no stupid raver!
.::SkOoL::. Sum ghetto skool in OC
.::WoRd Of WiSdOm::. Do it while ya can b4 it might be too latez

***| | ShoUtZ | |***

.::*Ma SpEcIaL WuNz*::.

*Rob* ( Thanx 4 everything-Ur da best-Luv yas!Muah*)
*Jessica* (Whatever happened to our inside jokes? LoL...)
*Alina* ( Too many memoriez 2gether...=D)
*Amy* ( Lol stop harrassing peepo!)
*Krystal* ( I miss u!)
*Tina* (Sorry I should too!)
*Linh* ( Howz college?!)
*Scott* ( Dooode! U never call me no more, u buttcrack!)
*Jessica V.* ( Get ur ass online!)
*Kevin* ( Ur still shorter than me- LoL)
*Jennifer* ( dat jerk didnt deserve ya anyway)
*Shirley* ( Lil' men with x-tra cheese! LoLz)
*Shawn* ( Where's ur friend?=D)
*Joanne* (luv ur hair)
*Mike* ( Luv ya even when ya mock me)
*Bryan* ( kekekekekekeke)
*Jason* ( U and ur gorgeous green eyes....aahhh)
*Han* ( Sis! Even tho ur an ass at timez, I still luv ya=D)
*Kev* (Typical annoying big bro..hehe..)
If I 4got ne1 plz tell me!! So sorry! Me soo lazy....=P But ya know I still luv ya!


.::*CuTe LuV QuOtEz*::.

~*Guys are like parking spaces, all the good ones are taken and the ones that are left are handicapped or too far away!*~

~*I love him, yes I do, and he's all for me, and not for you. And if by chance you take my place, I'll be the first one to smash your face!*~

~*A million words wouldn't bring you back, I know because I've tried. Neither would a million tears. I know because I've cried!

~*I want to tell you what I'm feeling but I don't know where to start. I want to tell you but I'm afraid you'll break my heart!

~*Somehow, the conversation mentioned your name, and someone asked if i knew you. Looking away i thought of all the times we had together; sharing laughter, tears, jokes, and tons more. And then, without explanation you were gone. I looked to where they were waiting for an answer, and then said softly, "Once...I thought I did."

~*Guys are like stars, there are millions of them but only one can make your wishes come true!*~


.::*[DeAr DiArY]*::.

Dec. 02. 02
Hey all! Man I havent done anything to this ghetto thing in ages. SO busy and/or so lazy! im so sick of this stoopid site anyway...but decided to do at least something cus some of u bug me about it. SO ANNOYING! jk....the bell is about to ring so i better go! write more soon PROMISE!!! muah love u! [*KaiT*]

"The Smarter Sex" Read on if u wanna kno who's smarter. A woman and a man are involved in a car accident; it`s a bad one. Both of their cars are totally demolished but amazingly neither of them are hurt. After they crawl out of their cars, the woman says, so you`re a man, that`s interesting. I`m a woman. Wow, just look at our cars there's nothing left, but fortunately we are unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days. The man replied, I agree with you completely.This must be a sign from God! The woman continued, And look at this, here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished but this bottle of wine didn't break. Surely God wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good fortune. Then she hands the bottle to the man,The man nods his head in agreement, opens it and drinks half the bottle and then hands it back to the woman. The woman takes the bottle, immediately puts the cap back on,and hands it back to the man. The man asks, "Aren`t you having any?" The woman replies, "No. I think I'll just wait for the police..."


How kewte!!!

Think I wuz a lito faded here...

Kayz...if u dun like Craig David, then I feel bad 4 ur sorry asses...naw j/k..but c'mon, wut's not to like about him?! If ya haven't heard diz song....omg...if I were u I'd go look it up and crank up da volume, cuz hunnie, diz song is off da hook! It is sooo romantic....

~*Kewte Poem*~

Once in a life time, once in a dream When nothing is heard and nothing is seen. True love is captured and placed in the heart With no pain and sorrow to hear or tear apart. Once in a lifetime a friend will be there To be by your side anytime, anywhere. To love you forever and not just for a while. To make you cry never, instead make you smile. To show the world and all it`s joy And a love that is shared by a girl or a boy. If I could have just one wish come true I’d spend the rest of my life with you And if passion should subside If your love has finally died. If whatever you wish for was not what it seemed Then once in a lifetime it was only a dream

Dang...lotta people have visited ma page already..I wonder if it's posted on the net for random peepz to goto...hmmmm....

Dang...I need some feedbacks! Anyone good at html??!! If so, plz contact me!=)

i'm Cherry flavoured!

I will add more links ASAP!! Any ideas?

.::*FoR Ma HuNNiE*::.

.::*Ma PiX*::.

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* | | o U t R o | | *

.::*BuBbLy BaI*::..::*BuBbLy BaI*::..::*BuBbLy BaI*::..::*BuBbLy BaI*::.

Wellz, datz all folks! I'll try to update as often as I can, but since I've got skool and stuff I won't be workin on diz as much....again, if ya gotz ne questions/ comments, just email me or leave a message in ma G*Book, aiitez? Thankz again for stoppin' by! Kayz, take carez peepz! Luv, ~[*KrazieK8*]~

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