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~~~A beautiful picture of a Japanese Garden~~~


Since September 11th,the whole world,and especially the United States of America,has changed.We've become more patriotic,more compassionate,and more open to churches & God.We all feel changed for the good...but are we TRULY changed inside?Have you been changed by Jesus Christ?He died on the cross for YOUR sins - to forgive you of EVERYTHING you've done wrong!How can you receive this forgiveness?,you might ask.Well,it's FREE!All you have to do is admit you've sinned,acknowledge Jesus Christ as your saviour,and invite Him into your heart.Once you do this and TRULY MEAN IT,you will receive eternal life through Jesus Christ!It's a wonderful feeling!You can finally feel free & forgiven of your sins!Want more information about Jesus Christ & Christianity?Visit - News,information,discussions, and more!Plus,if you're a Christian and are looking for some tracts & Christian literature to spread the gospel with,visit