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Table of Contents

August 10, 2004

Just letting you know I'm clipping along just fine in the renovation department. So far, the following pages are done:

July 27, 2004

So, what you think? :)

All the pages should be updated with in the next few days/weeks/when ever I can do it.

Also, just two quick note on the new graphics I've been working on:

First off, all the backgrounds, bars, icons, etc. come from a site called AmboGraphics and I highly recomend you check it out!

Second, notice the little cartoons that kinda look like they're based on me? Well, they are called "dolls" and if you want any more information on how to create your own, I would invite you to check out Porcelain Dreams, the site I found a tutorial, as well as bases to work with. (I'd make my own, but I haven't got that far yet!)

July 15, 2004

First off, a shout out goes out to Jason.

First off, I'm happy to announce I've added a new show - one I've been waiting a while to see. Needless to say, if I gotta see only one Bayfest show, I'm glad I'm seeing them!

More updates soon. It's 3am. I need sleep. Now.

May 3, 2004

I've been getting emails by some chick named Michelle telling me I have to update my website.

Well, updates are comming soon folks! There are concerts to be seen this summer and the like...

...but first: the overhaul. I'm designing a new layout.

Anywho, the updates will be along soon!

My Webshots Photo Album!

And now for something completely different...

Inncoherent Ramblings from the Day to Day Life of Emily Plunkett

June 2004

Hey all!

I'm really shocked. People are actually panicing that it's almost July and I haven't updated this site yet. I know, I know, it's kind of sad on my behalf, but alas my concert funds have run dry and a few months ago I was pretty confident in the knowledge that I probably wouldn't be seeing much this year.

Things have changed a bit in the past three weeks!

Thanks to a few cheep concerts in town, the local radio station and the arrival of a new computer in our household, updates will be occuring all summer!

Just a quick note about some of the pictures that are currently featured this page: they were not taken by myself. I don't own a scanner, but I do have limited access so pictures will be posted as soon as I can. In addition, some of the shows I was not able to sneek a camera in at all. I'm incredibly greatful for the fact that so far, for a good number of the shows I have reviewed were high profile, hence the number of pics. I've tried my hardest to give credit to the sorces of the pics, but if you don't want me using your picture, please feel free to email me and I'll be happy to removed them right away. For the love of God don't sue! I may be 19 now, but I have a low paying job and I have to pay for college, booze and the odd concert here and there! Your talking to somebody who thinks anything over $1.50 is expencive! I have no money, it wouldn't be worth your wile!

Please, enjoy your stay!

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