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ºMy Äßsò£öú†ë ßës† Frîëñdsº

~* Adam Shilling*~- Wow. I don't know where to start with you. You've been there for me through the good, bad and ugly and I can't even tell you how much I appreciate it. We've certainly had our ups and downs but things are looking pretty good now! Thanks for always being there for me! Just remember that I'm always here for you when you need me! Good luck with everything!

~* Trevor Adkison *~- Hey buddy you're great! Since college started we've become really good friends and I wouldn't trade that for anything! You are one of the funniest kids I know and you are lots of fun! Never forget all the fun times we've had together!! Never change!

~* Jeff Schnieder *~- Wow..where do i start with you?! You are the funniest kid i know! No matter what we do, we always have fun whether it be just sitting around watching you play basketball and trip over watering cans and get wet or high speed chases. We've seen a little bit of everything and we're still friends through it all! I luv ya buddy! Never change!

~* Keith Stanley *~- Browz, I AM THE #1 Bitch 'n don't ever forget it!! *L* I don't know what I would do without you! You've been one of my best friends for like 3 years now! We've been through so much and we've always come out on top! Thanks for always being there for me!

¤†° £ïñk§ °†¤

* fRiEnDs *

* SuMmEr *02 *

* rEmEmBeR wHeN *

* PoEmZ *

* PiCtUrEs *

* tHiNgS tO LeArN *

* GuYz *

* LiNkS *

* QuOtEs *

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