[| | || requirements || | |]
• IE 5+
• 1204x768
• true colors
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[| | || about me || | |]
name: kari
age: 11 yrs. old
bday: april 29
gender: female
ethnic: taiwanese

[| | || current || | |]
eating: peach
thinking: Jam
wearing: khaki jeans
doing: thinking jeffrey
looking @:Jam
chatting with: lemonlover
wishing: Jam
feeling: hell.tired
wanting: Jam

[| | || contact || | |]

[| | || blog info. || | |]
layout from:
cherry star
past layouts

[| | || my other sites || | |]

[| | || joined || | |]
I'M SPECIAL! Clique It!
I wish jeffrey would look at me that way
Clique It! Clique It!
{ faerie dream } strawberryfaerie
taurus from planet venus!

[| | || credits || | |]
cherry star

[| | || extras || | |]


guess what? I spent my weekend...alrite...i didn't do my homework yet...aniwaiz...i spent my weekend making more cliques! join them plz~!hehe...



i want to buy my own domain...but because i don't live in the states...i can't order...i'll just buy one when i go back. i know what name i want...and what hosting server i want...but i just can't pay for it from here!!! sux. i'm planning to maybe ditch this page...i'm so busy...my grades are getting lower...gawd it's so unfair...for p.e. mr. carreon gave me an A-. i mean i got A for badminton, A for rock climbing, but he gave me an A-. that's very mean...i can't believe it...drives me crazee to think about it. grr*



okay~i'll tell you what happened...first some stuff happened between my friends and my friends...then some stuff happened between my friends luvaz and stuff...then i am getting some bad grades on my tests and stuff...and then i have piano test coming up...and a theory test coming up...and i have to extra work fo theory...and then my mom and my family are putting pressure on me...and i'm just about to faint. it's like hard to live now...the only thing that keeps me alive now...is...nothing.



AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHh!!!! hmm...sorrie...i won't be blogging for some time.



Guess what? i'm so happy~!! i actually made myself a layout~!! and it's a pop-up! it took me ages to learn and slice up the image, but i'm so happy...i'm working on the content, but so far, the layout is done. the site is called ichigo : strawberry and is also part of my dejiko-collective. please check out my site?? also...another new clique member, Maxx. i'm still working on my newest clique site, so you'll have to wait...lalala....i'm so bored. okay...i have no right to be bored, because i have to finish my culture project!!!! and then i have to work on my science magazine article, and the front cover...ohgawd...i'm so busy....*sighz* i got to get bak and be a good girl...work my head of...*sighz*

DNangel @ 1:29 AM


I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I can't seem to get my homework done. I totally forgot about Krypto, and I nearly got in trouble. I forgot about my Culture project and I'm so DAM DEAD! oh gawd~!! I'm WWAAAYY to in to internet now...ohgawd..wut should i do?! i'm going to go do my krypto now...see ya...wish me luck -_-"

DNangel @ 5:44 PM


Sorry for not writing for such a long time. I was a little too busy with making a collective site. Anyways. Now you can either link one of my sites, or you can just link my collective site which is: IchigoKari. Tina and I have made our VERY own blogs, called DNdreamers. It has NOTHING to do with my DNangel. It means Day and Night Dreamers, since we ALWAYS dream about those two guys that are oldre than us...hehe. ANIWAIZ! nothing to do~!! I'm going to make a clique site, and so when I do make my clique site, then you won't have to link the clique to this site, but to the site I have my clique on...sounds reasonable huh? I'm going to make some more cliques soon...so just be patient~!!

DNangel @ 7:52 PM


GAWD! why does edward have to embarass me AND jam at school. never mind. lately, i've been so obsessed with jam that i haven't been keeping up with my homework...i usually spend like 3 hours online, and spend the rest of the night trying to finish homework. SOO annoying...i got an aim account. I put it up on the contact page...so please contact me if you want to be friends... i love new friends!

DNangel @ 6:00 PM


Back in School again...Lots of homework. *Sighs...* I saw jam today...but I don't think he was very happy to see me. I hate it when my friends and strangers in 6th grade embarass him. I mean I don't want him to feel bad just because some stoopid little girl that is 5 years younger than him has a big crush on him. I'm tired of seeing him all depressed and all that crap. I don't think Jam did anything wrong, and noone has the right to make Jam feel all embarassed in front of him friends. I don't want to hear it when people have seen Jam some where. I HATE it when people come up to me and scream REALLY loudly (so loudly I bet Jam heard also), "AMY!! I SAW JAM!! HE'S RIGHT THERE" I think it's VERY annoying and I DON'T like it! Please try joining my clique. I made a page for it...so please try joining!

DNangel @ 6:00 PM


Hi people! My name is DNangel. To tell you a little bit about me, my name is Kari, and don't ask my my real name...because i don't like it. Most people are proud of their names. I'm very obsessed with Strawberries...don't ask me why...because I don't know either! So when you email me, make sure the subject is DNangel okay?! Thanks. Anyways...I'm bored right now. I just started DNangel so I'm sort of getting used to this layout. Thank you SOO much...hehe...seems like I'm saying quite a few Thanx huh? I'm going to make some more buttons, but so far, if you love me, then link me with the button that the GREAT cherrystar made. Ohwell...see ya!

DNangel @ 11:52 AM

this site's layout is from cherry star and I greatly appreciate her. this site is also part of ichigokari's dejiko-collective.
