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Welcome To A Cozy Room

For Vicky

Performed by Nazca
3736 W. Cullom Ave.
Chicago,Illinois 60618

(Click music)

"The precepts of Yahweh are upright,
joy for the heart;
the commandment of Yahweh is clear,
light for the eyes." (Psalm 19:8)

Please pray for our servicemen
and their families

Please pray for and help our Hurricane Victims

Habitat For Humanity

Mattie Stepanek - Peacemaker, Poet

Loving Through Heartsongs

In Memoriam to an Angel on earth
Now in Heaven

Wishing all a very happy and blessed Day.

"No utterance at all, no speech,
no sound that anyone can hear;
yet their voice goes out through all the earth,
and their message to the ends of the world." (Psalm 19:3)
Pray for the children cradled in their mothers' wombs.

Missing Children

All of these young girls are missing. Please pray for their return.
Pictures are links to more information

Pictured below are the Bradley sisters Tionda and Diamond from Chicago, Illinois,
Missing since July 6, 2001

Rachel Marie Mellon
Sarah Avon

Tammy Zywicki

The FBI is seeking information on Tammy Zywicki's abduction and murder.

America's Unknown Child-1957 Philadelphia Unsolved Mystery

Information is still being sought in the case of this little boy. There is a lot of information surrounding the case on this web site.

It's the Heart That Matters Most-Charlotte Church Song

Time to spread some hope,
Make the spirits rise
Do you see the wonder in their eyes
Time to speak of love
Hold each other close
Cause it’s the heart that matters most

Its still the same old moon
Why does it shine so bright
There’s a little magic in the air tonight
Time to speak of love
Hold each other close
Cause it’s the heart that matters most

Always the heart that matters most

Oh, take a look around you can see that it's true
It’s like a river flowing inside of you
Everyone needs love, you need it too
So here’s what you, have got to do

Spread a little hope, make the spirits rise
Do you see the wonder in their eyes
Time to speak of love, hold each other close
cause it’s the heart that matters most

In time we come to learn

It’s the heart that matters most

- Transcribed by Lourdes C. Alea

In Memorium of the crew of Space Shuttle Columbia
February 1, 2003

Links Upon Links

Amber Alert Home Page
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Poetry Contests