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jack & karen review


:: Jack & Karen World ::

* Splash Page - Ohh very bright! Great background, clear text and a choice between pop up and non pop up. and i love the cross cursor thingy! 8/10

* Layout - i really like it. the colours are gorgeous and match the splash page. the updates are straight to the point and the flashing 'alice' button is a cute touch :) 7/10

* Content - OMG there is shit loads!! Sounds, pictures, icons, articles, ecards etc etc. there is *tons* of stuff! A fan of the show Will & Grace would *kill* for a site with this much infomation! 9/10

* Ease of Navigation - Easy as pie. Drop down menu 10/10

* Visitor satisfaction - For fans of Will and Grace and the characters Jack and Karen in particular, this site is like gold dust. it has everything you could wish for, and a bit more thrown in for extra measure. but this is strictly for fans only 8/10

* Anything else - links work, everything matches. its bright and interesting and looks fantastic! :D

~ Total 42/50 ~
