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welcome to my page


welcome to my bedroom this is my very first site so don't make fun or anything! there's some pics at the bottem but before we get to them let's talk about me okay? hey! don't scroll down please read this first lol.

okay i live in alberta canada and i'm 14 and turning 15 on october 19th because that's my birthday so i expect a present from you! my msn name is usually Lovely_Christa so if you see me say hi! okay the next part you're going to probably think i'm strange but i'm in love with a wolf! yes i know lol i don't care i love my wolfy! you might see him on msn too if you do tell him i said hi! i love to listen to almost any boybands and i chat all the time.
okay now for what you've all been waiting for my pics! but before you do i have to tell you this that all these pics were taken by amanda baemkol (i had to convice her to take the more revealing ones and i'm sure you're all glad that i did!) and we mainly took these pics (amanda has some too they're better than mine i have to admit!) to show to greg folker who we hang with he just loves stuff like that! okay da da da here are the pics!! oh yeah the ones where i'm in the black shirt/skirt and the one where i'm completly bare were taken on today, friday, when i went over to amanda's house to get the other ones where i'm wearing the blue/white shirts! also the block clothes are her mom's but don't tell! ;)
it only took me 17 tries untill the pics worked!

sorry but that's all the pictures i've got! i might be able to convince amanda to put up a few of her pics if she hasn't deleted them already :P

okay now wolfy is gonna be really mad at me for this but i really had to do it because i love him so much! i found some pics of a wolfguy and i thought of wolfy...

well that's my whole bedroom! what? no you can't have a suvenier from my undies drawer! can have whatever pics of me you want but if you're a don't use them and say they're you it took a lot of convincing to get amanda to take some of them and put her email up on here!

i made all the drawings on my site so they're copyrighted by me same with all the photos of me!