Flew across the grass.
I jumped back to let her pass.
Oh, Melon! Oh, why do we call you that?
What's your real name again?
Mel.. ee... I can't say it, you're so cool
You came from another country
A place you didn't have to go to school
Wow, neat
You can't be beat
You're faster than anyone I meet on the street
You run so quick I can't keep up...
Until you tripped.
It all stopped so fast.
That long jump was your last.
Melon was down so sudden.
Under the sand you were half-hidden.
Ambulance alarm... Oh God, no
My best bud Melon, where do you go?
Melini - see, I said it right
But you can't hear me, you're packaged too tight
On a stretcher
Screaming loud
I'm so happy you were found
No one thought it was that bad
You'd had trips before - of course you had
But then somehow that triggered us knowing
What you'd been hiding and never showing.
You learned somewhere else you had cancer in your leg.
I learned it while you ate your scrambled egg.
Stupid hospital food is never good, you said.
Your leg was making you turn red.
Cancer... amputation... could you never run again?
You were taken out by a bunch of masked men
Running was your passion, running was just you
Running seemed to take your mind off things when you felt blue
Now it's all gone. Now it's left your soul.
The running fire in your heart's been left with no more coal.
Melon... we love you... that statement is true.
Melini... we miss you... we wish it had been just the flu.
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