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Par Tara

Hey kids. You know, every once in a while, I like to write things. I just get a burning desire to collect all of my creativity and deeper thoughts online. Lame, but true. So I do, on occasion, sit back here and write. Unfortunately, what comes out is neither creative nor thoughtful. With this said, here is a collection of some of the utter crap my miniscule brain has thrown up.


Stories from Grade 3 - because I don't want to write new stuff.
Crappy Poetry - the second installment
Untitled - yet another english assignment. I rarely finish anything that I write in my own free time, so this crap is all that I put up here. Blah, I'm a terrible writer :( Stupid descriptive/narrative assignment...
My Poems Suck! - Yes, Tara is not a good poet. Read the horrible, horrible crap, and then send me your own stuff.
Untitled - My incident. Yes, it IS a school assignment, but I really had nothing else to add.
Tara's Page of Rants. Note: are based mostly on my disgusting ignorance.
The Kung Fu Adventures of Ming-Sa. A really really old story that was written in the wee hours... forgive its awfulness.
Effort is Unethical - a rant.
Why highschool math is USELESS


Wow, there really isn't much on here, and what little I could find is mostly old. Oh well. I've been thinking of finishing and posting a story I wrote in math... maybe later.