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Mmmm, friends.

Ehh... while it's common knowledge that I have no friends, I must take some time to acknowledge the wonderful people who don't make me feel like the loser I truly am :) Note: this isn't really in any specific order... and if I've failed to include anyone, please point it out to me. I have a terrible, terrible memory (I once forgot my own phone number and that I had a brother). Forgive me, for I am stupid.

Andrea: Buddy! Ahhh.. good old Andrea. While you can be somewhat ditzy, you're interesting and funny. Not only that, but you are quite intelligent when you apply yourself. Ohh, so many memories :) we must head to the lake yet again this summer in keeping with our tradition, aye? I'll miss you when you go to Germany, but remember to send me a post card (and some singing condoms)! You're a very special person and I love you dearly (no homosexual thoughts here... hmm, do you remember the dance? Heehee)

Daniel: We're like sisters! Haha... good times. You're a spectacular (or spooktacular) person, and despite having gone through many difficult things, you've been able to remain in one piece. Yay! You're always able to make me feel better when I'm terribly upset (which is quite often); that's a pretty rare quality. I'll always be there for you, my dear friend. *Hugs*

Delia: Delia (a.k.a. Mini-Bi, Delilah) is one of the craziest people I've ever met, but she's also very smart. She thinks inside the box, but does it so well that she aquires new boxes. Soon she has 3,000 boxes of knowledge and wit, which she can use in interesting ways to create box shoes or as weapons to hurl and your sorry face. Never argue with Delia, for she has the power of the box at her disposal. Err... I don't know what I'm talking about... yeah. We need to make our movie! And you need to start liking guys who aren't assholes who don't deserve you.

Chewy: Asian Jesus!!! How are you, my dear? You know, I wish you weren't so damned lazy. I've turned into a useless bum because of your influence in biology... or maybe it's the other way around. Anyhoo, you're one sexy mutha fucka. Hooray for being large and Chinese. Anyhoo... you're incredibly fun... you fill my brain not only with stupid, but with interesting philosophical ideas... bahhh!

Mark: Maaaark! My homo friend! Yes. I don't know why I share so much with you, you're no good at helping. But that's ok, you're still a great person. Good luck with Emily!

Amy: Ah, if it isn't crazy old Amy. Amy is absolutely insane, yet she is infinitely cool: she has dreadlocks! And they're often covered with crazy things like seasonally coloured pipe cleaners and beads and pretty things. She is also the source of many wonderful quotes. I love you Amy! You're the one and only walking dictionary and you always have at least 17 books close at hand. While Amy is often merry and breaks out into laughter for no apparent reason, she stands up for her morals. Hooray!

Angie: Hooray! Angie is my superhero. I'm sorry I quit wrestling, but I know you still love me :) I'm so sad that we don't have any classes together anymore and barely see each other, but that's ok. We've had excellent memories: from our 2 years at SMUNA (Czech Republic and Honduras), to our numerous baking adventures. Those were some tasteless cookies... yes. I can't think of much else to say, except that you're the Szexiest Czech to ever live.

Christine: Christine! Yay! Christine is a good friend to a great many people. No wonder, she's exceptionally cool, funny, creative, interesting, and smart (damn your 98% average...). And we've been emailing each other for 4 friggin' years! Holy jesus. Anyhow. Christine has far too many talents for her own good... yet she maintains more humility than failiures like me :) She also has wonderful people skills. She's like.... the plastic container in an ice cream sundae- she holds everything together. I love Christine!

Tanis: In a word, Tanis is this: wonderful! She's wildly creative, thoughtful, and has the best fashion sense ^_^ You're wonderful in drama, and just... stuff. Urg, can't think of stuff... oh well. Tara loves Tanis!

Laurie: Laurie, my dear friend! How I love you so. Not only do your allergies allow for tasty vegan goods, but you're so wonderfully cute! But silly at times. Remember, always cross at the crosswalk while holding the hand of an adult *shakes finger*. Oh well, you're the sexiest little cripple in the world.

Julia: Julia is a wonderful friend; she's loving, crazy, fun, entertaining, and looks like a damn supermodel. And you DO have a wonderful nose! Juuuulia! You're my hero; you even have a Beatles song named after you. Yay!

Megan: How's it going, Gaggin' Megan? Sorry, I know that's your piping name, but it's so amusing and truthful. Remember, you're too little to be having any babies. Not that this is related, but you have excellent taste in music. Hooray!

Ambrosia: If it isn't Ambrosia, the sexy Italian secretary! You're a crazy, crazy girl. Ahh... spoons, pockets, and Mr. Hedlin... *laughter* Good job. Despite the fact that you are a walking accident, I still love you. You work so bloody hard; I suppose it'll pay off in the future. Damn you and your sunny road ahead >:-( Heheh. I kid, I kid.

Morgan: You're certainly one of the strangest people I know, especially in appearance. You have an interesting way of thinking, I like that. I also like your purple 80s hair. Must get priorities straight... We must get the movie going, you sexy black 70's porn star, you.

Arlee: Arlee is Jesus!

Brynn: Hmm, where do I begin? See, Brynn has the appearance of a perfect young woman a pretty smile and good marks. Just wait till she whips out the board games. Sweet jesus, Brynn is the filthiest person I know! Not that that is a bad thing, heheh.

Dale: Yes, we fight a lot. I think "a lot" is almost an understatement. But that's ok, you're still a neat kid. Ahh, the joys of drama class.

Jon: It's the WorldVision posterchild! As emaciated as our Jonny boy may be, everyone still loves him for his bizarre sense of humor and... interestingness. You truly are an odd one, son.

Lena: Lena loves me! Hooray! Here's to cake, evil empires, ass-grabbing, and flamboyant costumes. You're one of the few grade 9s who are worth knowing. And you're one sexy Zorro ^_~

Nick: I cannot forget Sir Nicholas, the lover of my right knee (aptly named Jesus). How's the vegetarian thing going? Good job. Remember, men do not make pretty girls.

Jennifer: It's Jerry, the attractive captain of the Walter Murray football team! Or my inside out Oreo cookie. Holy man, how long has it been? 11 years? Bleh... you don't come to Bedford nearly enough; perhaps you should consider taking up permanent residence. You're too good for those east siders anyways.

Cyndi: Greetings, my subordinate 9th grade chum. Heehee. You know, I think that in the entire time that I've known you, we've agreed on about three things. But that's ok, it's good to have so many different points of view. And thank you for agreeing with me sometimes! I need all the support I can get. *Big hug*

JenBu: Hellooo! Jenny is fantastic. She's an incredibly strong person. She stands up for what she believes in, even if it means making someone upset. She's often right in the end, though. And she drives!

Erin: Mmm... sexy, sexy Erin. I must say that you're quite the social butterfly. No wonder, you're a fantastic person who is very fun to be around. I love you!

Uh... yeah, I'm going to add more. Tomorrow or something. So lazy...