"Im a drunk by blood not relation"
About Me

Pictures of Me


30 Seconds to Mars (Jared Leto) February 2002

AFI March 2000

AFI October 2001

American Nightmare May 2002

Adio Tour Summer 2001

Botch February 2002

CKY June 2001

The Dillinger Escape Plan February 2002


The Murder City Devils October 2001

One Line Drawing 2001

Phallucy December 2001

Rocket From the Crypt October 2001

Team Sleep December 2001

Tony Hawk Demo May 2001

Will Haven January 2002

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook


Last Update: February-24-02

[Added Live pics pages and Added more pics of myself]

Im slowly turning this portion of my site into my live show/ event photography site.

If you have any live pics you would like me to put up on my site just send them (with date and location and who i should credit) to me

Do you like CKY? Do like Chad Ginsburg? well them you best check out My Chad Club Chad is a member :) he also signed my guestbook so check it out