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Go Back To Main<< May 3rd, 2003
okay, if that DUMBFUCK who's been calling me at FIVE
FUCKING AM calls me one more time, i'm going to
shoot myself! them too! *breathes deeply*
see i had to stay home on friday cuz i was too damn
tired! their fault! they make me so stressy!

other news:
i'm getting glasses! yay! i'm farsided!
i need glasses! ( i was kinda secretly hoping i would!)
lol, I wanna get the pretty teardrop ones,
like pretty pink ones with little diamonds
on the corners~!

April 20, 2003
i feel inspired tonight

April 13, 2003
So I haven't written in this piece of shit in forever.. why i am now i really don't know, mostly
cuz im bored out of my mind and also doin it for
those of you who've been begging for me to jot down
some words in here (michelle that means you). I
figured I might as well write Dear Michelle each time
I write an entry in here cuz no one else seems to
ever visit this place. yeah it could be like the dear
michelle column haha!
Anyway so now for whats been going on in my life:
FUCKING NOTHING! thats as of recently.. oh yeah.. i
met this new guy up in HI. for those of you who don't
know (that means no one) you can just ask me. kinda
hung up on him. yeah. keep tryin to think he's an
asshole that hes gonna hook up w/ a lotta gurls and
get aids who gives a shit but it just doesn't work
that way. and that would be sad. i hope he doesn't
get aids. i don't know. i like the guy, it would make
me sad seein him rot away. kinda think of him as one
of those horny ass guys they air on those lame mtv
hook up shows. just whatever. all guys do that i dont know
why its such a big deal if he does it

February 18, 2003
I am in Sooo much pain!
Coughing hurts, bending down hurts, getting up hurts,
my whole body is aching.. but i can't
complain cuz snowboarding was lotsa fun. We rented
a cabin up in truckee for two days, and
turned out 12 people with 8 kids and 6 dogs did
too... so the place was really overcrowded and i
didn't get any sleep but overall i had fun, and
it was a first for me at the snow!
Plus I really needed a break from everything,
we stopped near sacramento in this redneck town and
i hafta say it was really nice seein unsophisticated
people who really don't give a shit and don't have
the overall snobbitchness some pa people have.
They just seemed more "real" yknow?

February 3, 2003
Short stubby and disproportioned.
Big gross lips with bulgy blue eyes that jump out of her skull
and scare the shit out of me. EMOTIONLESS PERVERT EYES!
Oh and did I mention she looks like a pig?
she's like rosy pink!

February 2, 2003
*chortle* doesn't it sound like some exotic pig name?
So after some extensive reflecting i've decided to
ignore that thing that evil rude insensitive
person said to me the other day and remove those
comments out of my profile.
If she's reading this...
*waves hi, turns it around gives her the finger*

January 27, 2003
*I got some CAKE today! Yana baked a sadies cake for Stefanli and i got to hav sum.
Not the fluffy pretty kind but it was still good.
I hate my second semester classes:

My social studs class has all these hoes in it now.
Interior has only girls in it
and the teacher is a pain.
French has gone from a three people class to a TWO people class
because some loser decided to drop out.

Maybe I should take german or spanish?
Ok high point today was I started track! So far I'm um jumping hurdles!
Felt like doin sumfin daring
I don't really know what got into me

January 26, 2003
I can totally picture all the big sweaty balding
alcoholics in front of their tv with a beer in their
hand getting all excited.

January 24, 2003
San francisco girls are soo trashy!
I went to sefora and there were these really trashy
ugly bitchy girls, one of them was on the
fone with a friend or sumfin and she was like "OMG I DON'T KNOW!!! STOP CALLING!"
I wanted to slap her! You don't say that to someone!
stupid ghetto wannabes!

January 23, 2003
I'm SoOoo glad finals are over! This week, and last week were a living hell! just
really really shitty in like every area of my life but
now that finals are over it kinda takes a weight
off my back so thats good. And took a two hour nap today, i really really needed it! maybe thats why i
was havin a shitty week, cuz i wasnt gettin enuff sleep.
All this vegan junk affected me!
I swear I can't eat meat anymore!
We had chicken for dinner the other night and i just couldn't swallow it!
I'm reallie reallie grossed out

January 21, 2003
Will someone adopt a lonely pig ???
please? or get me one?

January 20, 2003
I'm all geared up for english final tommorrow! yay me
Okay so i was surfin the net the other day lookin at
norman reed pix and i came upon this horrible
one and realized he had this HUGE MOLE ON HIS FACE!
Norman baby if you're reading this, please get that awful thing removed?
So you can divorce that evil bitch and we can be together like you've
always wanted?
hehe i'm juss bluffin, he's just somfin pretty to look at

January 16, 2003
You know what I really want? Cake. I want cake!!
You know, the kind you get at birthday parties when you're like five.
With a lot of creme and frosting on it,
and your name in the middle in pretty pink letters. Those were the days.
Now at parties it's just like drugs and alcohol.
Although I haven't been to any of those yet. I'm not a goody-goody.

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