~ * © AwEsOmE gUrLs InC © * ~

~ * MeMbErS ArEa * ~
~ * GuY oF tHe WeEk * ~
~ * FoRuM * ~
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~ * HoRoScOpEs * ~
~ * PoEmS * ~
~ * BoY qUeStIoNs * ~
~ * FaShIoN aNd BeAuTy * ~
~ * GaMe ZoNe * ~
~ * NeW mEmBeRs * ~
~ * TrIbUtE tO SiR pEtEr BLaKe * ~
~ * PrOuD oWnEr Of ... * ~
~ * OuR aDoPtIoNs * ~
~ * GoSsIp * ~

Hey guys! This is THE website for teenage girls, it's gonna be packed with love advice, pictures of hot guys, member areas, song lyrics and anything else YOU want on here! So take a look around, sign the guestbook and have some fun!

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The website is getting bigger and better everyday! More members are joining, more pages are going up, so I hope your all enjoying it!

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Hey Girls .................... Come join AGI ..... have fun ......... do other stuff ........ its cool ........ by the way ......... THANK YOU BEN COLGATE *kiss*