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My Religion.

My religion is one of the most important things in my life...

I am a Wiccan, and although I belong to no particular branch, I truely believe.

One of my best Wiccan Buddies has just moved back to Australia...


I am one of those people who doesn't know anyone who shares exactly the same faith as them...

Simply because, there are none!

I have taken bits and pieces from other faiths and molded them into something that I really believe in.

People have often said that I've made a religion that is easy to believe in, because I am too weak to conform to another.

But that is just it.

I could never call myself Christian, but I do share some of their beliefs, I could never call myself a Muslim, but I do share some of their beliefs.

Why do people hate it so much that I've managed to create something that I have faith in?

I worship a God and a Goddess. Although their names are not important, I have chosen to call them Sloal and Lahanna. I took these names from a book that I adore called "Stonehenge".

Sloal is a male deity and is represented by the Sun.

Lahanna is a female deity and is represented by the Moon.

Tricks of the trade!!

Crystal Healing!!

Candle Magick!!

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