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Pam's Pages

Check out all my new stuff!

    • Come back lots to see what I have added or changed!
    • Leave suggestions on my guestbook please.
    • Check back later for vast improvements!
    • If you love Neopets check out Neopia Newbies Info. see link below!

    Kool Klicks!!!!!

    Neopets - A fun place to play!
    Angelfire - Free Home Pages
    free buttons at
    Santa's Page
    My Art Stuff
    My Backgrounds
    Jokes Links - Clean for kids of all ages!
    HTML The Mystery! - get help!
    New baby in the family-Hattie Michelle!
    Power Pets - The Greatest Virtual World site on the Internet! - This is a very pleasant environment for a virtual pet site. Figuring out the levels of the game are a little more difficult.

    Dear Visitor,

    Thank you for visiting my pages at Angelfire. I had no idea what I was doing and have learned so much putting these pages together and I am still learning! Angelfire has been a user friendly learning experience, I'd reccommend it to everyone.

    This has just grown and grown like a patch of crabgrass. I don't care because it's fun and I intend to continue posting whatever takes my fancy. Right now its pretty much dedicated to which I thoroughly enjoy and where I have made some great new friends. I do have other interests and eventually those will probably find there way here, too. In the meanwhile you are welcome to share this little part of my life. Hope you like it.

    If you got here from or click here.

    Please come back and visit again! Before you leave check out Neopian Newbies. Then come back and sign my guest book. Your comments, ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated! And, if you aren't too busy go take a peek at my neopets, Jam_N_Toast and Buckalupe. My youngest neopet Max_doodle
    auntypj got their NeoPet at
    If you like what you see and are interested in playing click here

    . Note: If the site is temporarily down don't be discouraged. They are always adding new games and things to do and they do try to vary the times to be down. So come back later to sign up.

    View My Guestbook
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