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"If you could see yourself, hear your own voice, your music--which of course you play for yourself--you wouldn't see darkness...You'd see an illumination that is all your own. Somber, yes, but light and beauty come together in you in a thousand different patterns."
--The Vampire Lestat

For some inexplicable reason, I decided to add my favorite quote to my main page. I suppose the purpose behind it is to remind people not to underestimate themselves or others. If it's gone unnoticed, I'm giving my site yet another badly-needed facelift. After the first attack from the Great White Menace, also known as Canada, which completely crashed my site, it's been stuck in a huge rut. I'm not sure of what will be done to the other pages, but at least this one will, hopefully, be less boring to look at. So far, the changes have consisted of the elimination of my diary (disastrous story there), as well as a different picture page. I may add some flying saucers or dancing monkeys sometime soon. Actually, I probably won't. So...yeah.


Anyhow, where were we? Ah, yes...Some of you I know, some of you I'm meeting for the first time. I'm a Pisces, I like smashed potatoes and enjoy Sesame Street sheets. I'm secretly a superhero, but I cover that identity with that of a freaky lil grrrlie in a small NorCal town, where I pass the time by working at the theatre, telling loud and vulgar stories at inappropriate moments, and keeping a tally of how many mullets I see in a day. I have an obsession for all things Canadian, music, janky old Nintendo games, Steve Buscemi (whom I love with my entire body...including my pee-pee), Pulp Fiction, Pee-Wee Herman--and I'm a hardcore movie geek. I've only gotten part of my stuff up and running for now...who knows? Maybe those Canadian bastards did me a favor and my site will be better than ever! *rubs hands together diabolically* Soon I shall take over Canadia with only my cunning to protect me!

*coughs quietly*...or maybe my site just won't suck as badly as usual. Either way, wish me luck, sign my fockin guestbook, and if you're going to spew, spew into this.


i.HaVe.iSSueS (MY.RaViNGS)

¿WHaT.Do.You.See.iN.Me? (MoRe.aBouT.Me)


SaNiTY.PaRT.2 (MoRe.PoeMS)

a.NeW.iNSTaBiLiTY (MoRe.PoeMS.2)

iMaGeS (MY.PiKaTuReS)

FoCKiN.CaNaDiaN (LauRa'S.SiTe)


PLaCeS.To.Go (My.FaVoRiTe.SiTeS)

Pet Me Here.