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Tina the Troubled Teen

thats my hand, getting ready to bowl-you-over


currently, i am doing what i do best: procrastinating. im trying to get ahead of the game by studying for finals this weekend, but im breaking down and have decided upon writing an entry here. my new year has started out nicely and hopefully it will stay that way for a while. i have a whooole bunch of pictures that im gonna put up on my yahoo pictures thing in a bit,(see link down there with the other links) i think some of them even go back to summer...

well seeing as theres no exciting breaking news, i guess ill just go do that?

have a stellar day,

your secret agent lover g*rl alanna


im cold, and irate. but at least bowlings started, i suck but i love it! looks like about only a little over a week until winter break :) 2 weeks of relatively unstressful activity. the OC is on in 3 hours. thats excellent. is it pathetic that i am regressing to revolving my life around tv? aw the freinds is on where david throws everything off the table and kisses phoebe. im not a sap. so suck it.

have a stellar day,

your secret agent lover girl alanna


well. heres my every 3 months update. school is back in session, hence the picture and well its simply dreadful. i dont even know what to write in here becasue no body ever reads this except the really cool kids. i decided to update cuz my dude rachel made a new site found here: its swell. so...i hope everybodys having a "good school year" bleh... i tried out for the play but as anyone would have guessed im not good enough so im busy building tree stumps and getting screws in my leg (true story, i got a screw in my leg). i usually make appearances at our american football games becasue well they ARE state champs and are expected to be respected to reap all the profits from selling worthless yellow paper scraps. i am slightly bitter. slightly. bowling is way more awesome. i wish school was cool but alysa you know its not. too bad the OC isnt coming on this week. i like to watch it and pretend that it was real and that i could live like that.

oh look an open window.

have a stellar day,

your secret agent lover girl alanna


hey so terribly bored that my inner geek is coming out again to update this page...!woo hoo!

what am i doing this summer you ask? nothing, kind of. i should say im not doing anything of great value or interest to you. just hangin out and clubbin hehe thats the funnest thing ive been doing. and i go to the damn pool alot. yes the damn UA pool that i hate...why do my parents get us memberships to the fuckin UA pool? we dont LIVE in UA...what the hell this really pisses me if your cool and i like you come to devon pool and i will sneak you in and we can harass UA kids...becasue i dont do it enough in driving class, haha.

and my new addiction...the real world...scary huh? ive never watched it before this season and, well, its a had quite an impact on me (im addicted that is) arent u glad you wasted your time reading about my new fave tv show?? bleh...what hello kitty collection has continued to is my only source of pride, hmmm, ok im done with this for now, have a stellar day,

your secret agent lover girl alanna




well this isnt really a story but its an amazingly genius insight from my good friend samantha!! and for those of you who dont know tyler...well it loses something...but still read on


the basic principles of tylerism


(note that 'tylerism' is NOT to be capitalized)

1) The word throw back should be used at all times when referring to somethign that is a) old skool, b) vintage, or c) from more then a year ago

2) When a teacher tells you to hit the make a song which consists only of the words...Hit the lights

3) If someone makes a crack on someone else you start the Get em, got em, good precession and hope that the tylerism is spreading to other idiots such as guroy and poe

4) Always hit on the history teacherand the most important

5) Even if you are not stoned...squint your eyes and laugh a lot so that it doesn't ruin the back bone image on tylerism

those are my dudes. haha.

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You are DEFINITELY obsessed with the Brendan
Leonard show. You may watch it because the guys
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life outside of the message boards, ya know!

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this is super cool.
silliness with samantha
well this is by Kelly, i mean Kellie...shes special for those of who havent had the pleasure of meeting this dear friend of mine
the veritas project! there kickass.
Rants From The Planet Liz.
