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Welcome to =Beyond Amazing= .: guestbook | start | contact :.



Welcome to =Beyond Amazing=, my little bit of space on the web to put up whatever I feel needs putting up. After only a few minutes of venturing around my humble little abode, you will soon come to realize that I am not the most technically gifted person you will be able to find, nor is my website filled with trinkets made by computer geniuses, that can make your screen blink, quack, shake or roll over. No, this place is somewhat simple. I try my best to make it look good, but if you don't like it - don't look!!! Simple as that.
=Beyond Amazing= was created on the 16th of February, 2002. It is a non-profit site, with no particular theme. You may notice that the links to separate sites on the right hand side of this page, are described by a word(s) which has little, if anything at all, to do with the content. I am aware of that, but once venturing in, you will see what it means.
Here's how it's going to work:
Each section has a theme. No particular theme, just a colour scheme and such. The title of the page will be explained, and there will be a content list of what is inside of there. Be aware that some things may have little and/or nothing in them at the moment, as I am still building. If a site doesn't work, then obviously it hasn't been made yet! Once into the sections, you can come back here by clicking on the logo.

=!= The guestbook is working again, woo! So what are you waiting for, go sign it!

=!= Sections that are up: .Garage. .Anti-Climax. .Quest. .Angent.Orange.