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Espeon12's ASB Team

Dratini (F)
Nickname: Zephyr
Signature Move: Aura
A golden light surrounds Zephyr, and her eyes turn a golden color. It fades when the 2 rounds are over. Zephyr's Attack and Defence are raised by 40% through the next 2 rounds. It cannot be used more than once per battle.
Type: Dragon | Accuracy: 80% | Damage: 0%

Espeon (F)
Nickname: Aurora
Signature Move: None

Umbreon (F)
Nickname: Midnight
Signature Move: Dark Glare
Midnight stares into the eyes of the opposing Pokemon, and her eyes begin to glow crimson red. Dark energy is focused, and is released as a small ray of red from her eyes, hitting the opponent. This may startle the opponent, making them flinch.
Type: Dark | Accuracy: 80% | Damage: 10% | Flinch 35%

Mareep (M)
Nickname: Static
Signature Move: Orb Charge
(2-turn attack) Electric energy charges in Static's tail orb, making it glow brightly. On the second turn, he releases the energy as a lightning bolt, which hits the opponent. He takes a few seconds to recover from the effort. 30% chance of opponent being Paralyzed
Type: Electric | Accuracy: 80% | Damage: 15% | Paralyze: 30%

Meowth (F)
Nickname: Amber
Signature Move: Amulet Flash
Amber's amulet (The thing on her head) steadily glows a golden color, making the opposing Pokemon stare at it. Once it is being stared at, the amulet flashes brightly and confuses or puts the other Pokemon to sleep. If the attack hits, 50% of the time the opponent falls asleep, 50% of the time the opponent becomes Confused.
Type: Normal | Accuracy: 65% | Damage: 0% | Confusion: 50% | Sleep: 50%

Vulpix (M)
Nickname: Ashes
Signature Move: Lava Rocks
The ground around Ashes becomes lava-like, and hot boulders fly at the opponent from it. Then the lava mysteriously disappears, and the stadium floor is back to normal.
Type: Rock | Accuracy: 80% | Damage: 5%

Croconaw (F)
Nickname: Nereid
Signature Move: Spike Charge
Concentrating, Nereid’s spikes enlarge and become sharper, venomous, and an ebony black color. She then takes a running leap at the opponent, and does a backflip, ramming the spikes into the opponent. Depending on how they were hit, the opponent may become poisoned. Her spikes then return to their usual state and are no longer poisonous. It takes her a while to build the poison back up, being a Water-type, so the move cannot be used again for 2 rounds.
Type: Poison | Accuracy: 70% | Damage: 10% | Poison: 20%

Nidorino (M)
Nickname: None
Signature Move: None

Chikorita (F)
Nickname: Demeter
Signature Move: None

ASB Stats: