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Amazons of Myrine

Amazons United in Strength, Trust and Pride! Welcome to the site of the Amazons of Myrine, a part of the sisterhood of Amazons. The amazons were as real as the greeks who wrote of them. They governed large parts of Europe, Asia Minor and Africa. Cities named Amazonium were established on Pontus and on the Island of Patamos, and many ancient cities claimed to be founded by Amazons. A number of these cities even had coins stamped commemorating their founders. The Amazons worshipped Artemis as their Goddess. Artemis did not consort with or bow to the rule of men. Neither did the Amazons. They swept forth when the earth was still virgin. Their war-cry sounded terror in a a world not yet tuned to the clap of thunder. The greeks portrayed them as oppressors of men, and they were depicted as young women. In peace, they could assume the allurements of a geisha, yet in war, when their lust overcame them, their strength overcame mercy and laughter. They outbatlled armies of men, their horsemanship and archery commanding admiration when not inspiring dread. All the generations born since they vanished after the fall of Troy have been touched by the wonder of them. Today, after 3 millenium, they still hold the ability to inspire women. It takes one to oppose wrong, but more than one to change our universe.

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