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Wretched Divinity

Aaron>*he smiles and nods* maybe running into you was fate..*he nods* its been nice..

Zenia>*she shrugs ever so lightly and lifts a hand to brush away a strand of wet hair glued to her cheek sideways touching her lips.* see, its not all bad with me, you just have to make an attempt to break the layers of stone.

Aaron>Like a statue with a ruby heart huh? *he says with a small smile*

Zenia>*she purses her lips slightly and steps away from the rosebush, looking at him with a slight narrowing of her eyes.* one could say......*he murmurs in a deep, low tone.* ~Zenia and Aaron...being civil.~


Titanya Mordeshi:*Collapsing through the roof after the last assault being a creature that was moving inhumanly fast she laughs crashing through floors with sickening ease slamming like a ton of bricks into the basement*......ZENIA!!!!

Zenia Morrison : oops....*she utters then shrugs.* looks like those dudes who wrote about David and Goliath were right. *eyes wide she begins to move MADLY fast off the rusty ladder...stepsteps, down until she’s touched the ground.* ner ner *sticks her tongue out, then with a quick pivot she runs away from the grainary, having just proved herself.* *oh how she aches! Oh boy oh boy! She hurts so damned bad she nearly collapses but she wont, oh no, a good Ductus never faints in front of someone whose ass she’s just kicked.*

Titanya Mordeshi: *Climbing out of the basement she makes her way to Zen*Very good...*smiles but she's got wood sticking all through her including her heart.* Quick thinking is just as important as overall strength..*Laughs* Just call if you need me... you're worthy..*With that she walks off whistling* ~Zenia and her ex-Ductus dueling it out~


Zenia> once something is matter how well ya glue it back togetha....its ~still~ broken *she utters, looking up at him as she sets the bottle on her lap...*things change....sometimes for the better...sometimes for worse...i just dont know which this is for

Nate> : well...could we try..and glue things back before I left?

Zenia>i dont think that youve got enough super glue Nate....*she lifts the bottle and takes a few sips, diverting her gaze from him, if she keeps looking at him she’ll hurt him bad. A few silent momebts pass and then she lowers the bottle and corks it tightly.* you may sleep here tonight...*she gets up off the table, slowly walking back to the cabinet to return the bottle, but changes her would make a good companion this eve...her and her liquor, what a couple they make.* you can sleep in the bathtub...the faucet still drips....but you should be used to it by know. *she makes her way up the first step, then stops and looks over her shoulder.* maybe....tomorrow...i'll let you come back...*she turns again and utters as she walks up to her first story room.* ...maybe...


*Did she hear right? Head...slowly...turns and she looks at Steven.* shit haven’t called me Wendy long....*brows furrow together in pure awe at the mention of her 'nick-name'.* I don’t know everything...but the details are just so many, there are too many words to be spoken, and those words were all laced with tears....i dont know how to speak tear language anymore.....I’ve become illiterate *she nods.* you wont fuck up....any more so that you always do, i know what you can do, i wanted to send you. It was my decision, so I decided.....*another nod, looking almost ...frail.* ~Sending Steven to Canada~


My blood runs in yer fucken veins, no matter how far you run it'll never be far enough! ~Speaking to Kalen, a member of the Pandemoniums~


*a giggle, sadistic and cruel *. …Let’s go hunt for angels tonight Pan… ~Talking to Pan one myschivous night to what they should do to stop their boredom~


*She lifts her free hand and traces the butterfly's wing ever so lightly. * this ones beautiful because its not.... ~A 'certain' night, at a 'certain' place with a 'certain' someone~


*She looks up at him as she slides her hand over his, mixing the blood. * now you may be a Morrison, but be careful....ghosts and goblins lurk in out closets. ~The 'adoption' of Adrian as he becomes a Morrison~


Its been too long since I’ve seen him.... know what its like to be deprived of someone you've loved from the very first second you saw him? ~Speaking of her son~


*We’re no fucken missionaries, were not a cult, were freaks and killers, and guess were you. ~Angry words spit out to Kalen~

demented brains...make demented slaves....~A reason to why it is at it is~


If you walked over my grave ya'd fall in, its empty *gives him a lil' plastic smile....ok where IS James? that is a question she'd LOVE to have answered.* hes in Siberia hunting flamengos.~In conversation with Keol about her sire's whereabouts~


*She wraps her arms around him, six years of empty arms, yet no more. She’s won the last hand in her mother's evil game, shes no longer broken. everything that’s cruel and everything that’s harsh inside her breaks, if only for this tender moment, her secret finaly revieled. she rests her head on her child's head and ever so slowly, a tiny crimson tear pokes out from under her eyelids, then another and another, until she her face is streaked with blood tears, six years worth of them.*~The first time after six years that Zenia sees her son~


I've already paid my dues mother... ~Talking to her mother the night Tabitha Morrison stated to Zenia that her son was not dead, merely sold~


*Her fingers open, hand relaxes and the thimble falls...tumbling onto the ground with a silvey thud....a small muffled voice from under the covers answers back.* were my happy thought.....~A 'Wendy'& 'Pan' night~


* She places his wrist over hers and holds them together looking at him, her face taking on a serene look to it, as she whispers.* now are mine...and i.....yours...Seth..... ~The marrage of Zenia and Seth Sterling~


*gently as a shove can be she shoves Nothing off her lap.* sire...*she whispers, .....*her eyes never leaving James.* look after Nothin' a doll...will ya? *somehow she manages to slither off that table without falling and stands up, locking eyes with her creator.* ~Zenia seeing her sire, James after a very long time~


*she shakes her head and wraps her arm around Raven...protectively.* i will personally dissembler the person who tries to harm Raven...*eyes slowly narrow.* i never said to her that her dork boyfriend was precious peanut-head though...did...remember than when the guilt eats you up at night...liar! ~Yelling at Aaron~


Jamie ~Pandemoniums baby panda~: can we bite him mama panda? We love to bite! *giggles* Or or can we use forks on him hmm please please? *snuggles against Zen*


Zenia Morrison-Sterling~Pandemoniums' Ductus~: *she coos softly at Jamie and nuzzles her nose against Jamies soft hair.* sure panda, we kin do it all...*she begins to walk to Jak and uninvited crawls and sits on his table.* ok...what came first black or white? ~A mother-daughter moment with Jamie~


Nate~*Smiles a little touching her hand softly with his, barely caressing the flesh of her hand as he takes a step closer* You know I would do anything you wanted Zenia


Zenia Morrison Sterling~ *Her eyes flutter onto his as she curves her lips up into an impish smile.* Would you rip your liver out and eat it? ~Between sanity and insanity~


Adrian Calway {Pandemonium Big bad}: ~he puts a hand to his heart~ Why lil' bo peep..I knows Ah'm teh Wolf o' your flock..but That ain't no crime ..~a smile~

Zenia Morrison~lil' bo peep/pandemonium~ : You just existing is a crime wolf-boy *and she reaches for his hand and tugs it off his heart.* you have nothing there but an empty shell don’t try to convince me now that you have suddenly sprouted a heart *chuckles.* for next thing i know you will be swearing that you have a soul as well, and that’s no good cuz you know i'd try to chew it out of you. ~The night Adrian became a Pandemonium.~


† Tristin Vaux † - ‡ Miseries Company ‡: *looks at her.* I am not decent many to have you or be around you. But there is something different when i look into your eyes. There’s a glow deep down inside that burns red that draws me to you and i cannot let that go.

Zenia Morrison-Sterling~Whiplash Wendy/Panemonium~: *head tilts ever so faintly, and she holds his gaze.* like a moth to the flame? *she mutters low and a thistle, tilted in an aquard angle, cracks and breaks.*

† Tristin Vaux † - ‡ Miseries Company ‡: *Sighs* I want to kiss you more then anything but I’m afraid that I will hurt you in some way. I want you to feel that you finally have something worth caring in your life. Someone you can trust.

Zenia Morrison-Sterling~Whiplash Wendy/Panemonium~: *she frowns lightly.* can’t trust anyone now a days, not even mahself. *then her lips purse in a light pout and she continues to look at him, thinking that this guy is really messed up if he is drawn to the likes of her.*

Tristin Vaux † - ‡ Miseries Company ‡: *Sighs* you should go.... I’m not what you need at this point.

Zenia Morrison-Sterling~Whiplash Wendy/Panemonium~: How do ya know what I need, eh? *there goes that ~Canadian~* you have no clue,! So what if I need nothing, then what, eh? *eyes narrow into thin green slivers of ice.* what if I said i didn’t wanna need nothing, or what if I said I wanted to need you? *she places her hands on her hips, glaring.* ~Wendy and a grown-up Lost Boy~

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