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XxThe Gaz ShrinexX


Until you take away her Game Slave. Gaz, Dib's sister, appreciates the simple things in life, like video games and pizza. But disturb her, and "you'll wish you'd never been born." Tending to see the irony surronding her due to the stupidity of humanity, which seems to most directly come from Dib, Gaz has a scathing dry wit. She always manages to deflate Dib's bubble of his latest plans and discoveries by quietly pointing out how pointless he really is. It's unclear if Gaz believes Dib's theories on Zim, but it is very clear that she doesn't care. As long as Zim doesn't use her as an umbrella, he's as acceptable as any other kid at the Skool. Gaz doesn't seem to have any friends or enemies, mainly because she doesn't see any reason to take time out of her gaming to interact. And she likes it that way. ******************ATTENTION********************** Join my loser club, *XxIZtheLosersClubIZxX*, and get all new emails, updates, and FAQs each week! Plus cool member deals and all that crap! Just email me at the address at the bottom and ask to join! (title your message *XxIZtheLosersClubIZxX* so i know what your talking about, thanx!)

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