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..::| The Stats |::..

XWA Roleplay Number 88

# 001

XWA Career Record 88

Wins: 00 - Losses: 00 - Drawn: 00

Next XWA Match 88


Outplayed by the Game 88


XWA Achievements 88


..::| Layout Disclaimer |::..

What do you want me to say?!? This Roleplay is purely for entertainment purposes and the characters words inside of it does not reflect any views or opinions of those in real life. This piece of writing is not affiliated with the WWE, NWA:TNA, or any other wrestling organizations. The layout was made by Sin and your chance to steal it is increasing by each word you read.

..::| Role-Play |::..

-::- }{ -::- OoC Message -::- }{ -::-

Just a short debut.

-::- }{ -::- End OoC Message -::- }{ -::-

-::- }{ -::- Playing the Game -::- }{ -::-
The scene opens up in the parking lot. The camera is facing forward. A black limo pulls up beside the camera, and the camera zooms out, to show the rear of the limo. The door swings open. A foot, with black leather dress shoes, pokes its way out of the limo, followed by another one. A man with long blonde hair, and dressed like a businessman steps out from the limo. The fans all begin to boo, when they realize that it is none other then "The Game" Triple H. Triple H smiles and slams the door shut on the limo. He slaps the side of the limo, and the driver pulls off. He fixes his jacket and begins to walk off. He gets to the door, and the security guard stops him from entering.

Security Guard: Name please?

"The Game" Triple H: Excuse me?

Security Guard: I need you name to check and see if you are on the list.

"The Game" Triple H: Are you telling me you do not know who I am?

Security Guard: That’s exactly what I’m saying.

"The Game" Triple H: So know your trying to be a smart ass huh?

Security Guard: No sir. I just need your name before you can enter the building.

"The Game" Triple H: I am the “Cerebral Assassin”, “The Game”, and “The Greatest Wrestler Alive Today”, I am Triple H. And let me tell you something, you better get used to hearing that name around here. Because today marks the greatest day for the XWA. Do you know why that is?

Triple H looks at the tag on the security guards shirt.

"The Game" Triple H: Jim, is it?

Jim Security Guard: Because Carlito hasn’t shown up yet?

"The Game" Triple H: No you idiot. It’s because today is when “The Greatest Wrestler Alive” signs a contract with the XWA. Today will be remembered through out the history of the XWA. And who the hell is Carlito?

Jim Security Guard: Carlito is that Caribbean guy that goes around and spits on everyone. You better watch out though, because if he doesn’t think you are cool, he will spit on you in a heartbeat.

"The Game" Triple H: What the hell? I would like to see Carlito spit on me.

Jim Security Guard: You two will probably get along, you are both cocky as hell.

"The Game" Triple H: You son of a…

Triple H goes to throw a punch at the security guard, as the door to the arena swing open. Chris Wall stands in the doorway, as Triple H draws his fist back.

Chris Wall: About time you showed up. Almost thought you were going to be another no show. Come on in, I hope Jim wasn’t giving you any trouble.

Triple H looks away from Chris Wall, and glances at Jim.

"The Game" Triple H: No, no problems here.

Chris Wall: Okay, well come on. Let’s go get this over with.

Chris Wall backs up and lets Triple H through the doorway.

Chris Wall: Okay, follow me.

Chris Wall walks off and Triple H follows.

"The Game" Triple H: Hey, I didn’t want to say anything back there, but I think Jim is a little gay.

Chris Wall: What?

"The Game" Triple H: I think Jim, the security guard, is gay.

Chris Wall: Why do you say that?

"The Game" Triple H: Because, he was kind of flirting with me out there.

Chris Wall: I can assure you Jim isn’t gay. He is a happily married man.

"The Game" Triple H: Would a happily married man be searching me from head to toe?

Chris Wall: He is a security guard. It is his job to search you.

"The Game" Triple H: With his eyes, and that little smirk on his face?

Chris Wall: Well okay, maybe he is gay. I will fire him tomorrow. Let’s go get this contract signed.

Triple H and Chris Wall walk off as the scene fades out.

-::- }{ -::- The Greatest Moment -::- }{ -::-

The scene open up backstage with Triple h, Chris Wall, and Nightmare sitting in Chris Walls office. Chris Wall is sitting behind a big desk. Nightmare is sitting in a chair beside the desk, and Triple H is sitting in front of the desk. Chris Wall is signing paper after paper. He stacks all the papers back up, after he is done. He sets them in front of Triple H. Triple H grabs a pen out of the inside pocket on his jacket. He punches the button down, and begins to sign his name on the papers. Triple H finishes and Chris Wall takes the papers, and stacks them back up. He hand them to Nightmare. Nightmare begins to read over them.

"The Game" Triple H: No need to look anything over. Let’s get the show on the road.

Nightmare: I don’t think I should sign this.

Chris Wall: Why the hell not?

Nightmare: Well look its Triple H. He is just waltzing in here and expecting a title shot. Wanting everything handed to him. I tell you what; I will sign these papers, but just to let you know. This isn’t the WWE; this isn’t Vince McMahon’s company. This is the XWA. You aren’t handed something here because you are in a couple of movies. You earn every single bit of your success here.

"The Game" Triple H: Look at my past. Two time European Champion, four time Intercontinental Champion, King of the Ring in 1997, Royal Rumble 2002, eight time World Champion. I have done it all, and what is amazing is that I continue to do more and more every time I get in that ring. I am a living legend.

Nightmare: Well, let’s hope so.

Nightmare signs the papers and walks out.

Chris Wall: Don’t worry about him; I’m the man you want to know around here.

"The Game" Triple H: Hey, it’s just good to know one of you has a head on their shoulders.

Triple H stands up and shakes hands with Chris Wall. Then he turns around and makes his way out, as the scene fades out.