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Profile † Markings and Symbolism † History
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Greetings, mortal, and welcome to my lair. You may call me XD, or Mistress Jaslith, whichever you prefer.

Name : XD Kay0s Jaslith
Age : 15
Gender : Female
Species : Jaslith
Occupation : Writer, Artist, Singer, Dreamer
Location : Southern California/Zotux/Mira
Religion : Christianity

My markings and aspects of myself sometimes are not very easy to understand, so I will explain what I can to the best of my knowledge. Most things about me are symbolic, some literal. Some are neither, and leave you room to decide for yourself.

Makeup around eyes. This is the regular design you will see me with, though I change it from time to time. The only time I am seen without it is in the brief moments I take what's on off, and put new on.

Eyes. My eyes are pure white, after an incident with the Oransis from childhood (Read more in History). Naturally my eyes are dark brown, almost black. When angry, a red flame will burn in my eyes where the color used to be, though its not really fire, only appears so to you.

Blue ring. Reminds me of Tobias when he's not with me.

Markings. The stripe and dots on my right and left sides run from my neck down to my feet. Natural for Jasliths.

Broken Knees. When running from the Oransis, the guards broke my knees, but for some reason, I could still run. So I did. The pain in the initial breaking hurt more than any pain I had felt before in my pre-designed enslaved life. They are still broken, haven't healed, and even now, every time I am hurt, physically, mentally, even emotionally, they seem to break once again, I fall to my knees, and blood seeps through the bandages...

I will make this as simple as possible, seeing as my history is very complicated and disturbing.
I was...grown, not born. I see you laughing, forget about the Matrix and pay attention. Once grown by the Oransis, it instilled in everyone some sort of power, un-natural to the rest of Zotux, the planet which it was located on. My area was dreams. Interpreting, Catching, travelling through them, creating, anything that had to do with dreams. However, the Oransis couldn't use me to manipulate others, so I was cast away to the basements of the faculty. This surprised many in the building, because I was the first creature to be made completely new, meaning I wasn't a clone, it CREATED me. 13 genes.
All this gave me my original name. XD-13. XENOGENIC DREAMCATCHER - 13 (13 genes). I managed to escape.
As described above, my knees were broken, yet I could run. I ran to the farthest edge of what I think was a forest, and fell asleep when they stopped running after me. While asleep, I found a dream, entered it, and wound up on Mira, a copy identical to earth, in a different solar system. How its inhabitants got there is uncertain. They used to live on earth, but humans would not tolerate the anthromorphic beings on Earth.
Mae found me, she was about 10, 4 years older than I am. She was also taking care of Trek, who was 5. Mae took care of us until we were grown up enough to make our own decisions. We still live near her and visit her, she's like a mother to us. I live in my own apartment, Trek still lives with Mae.
I brought Vardaquare back with me when I returned to Zotux to discover this history of mine :).

Tobias, a gray wolf. 18 years old. Poet. As you can guess from various pictures of us, we're closer than just friends. I can talk to him about anything. He's a great guy and I'm very happy to have him in my life. The ring I wear matches the color of his eyes, reminding me of him. :). The mystery that I am still working on that is linked to my past is that he looks strangely similar to the guards on Zotux at the faculty...

Razzmael Tazzle, Mae for short. Just don't call her Razzmatazz, or she'll beat the crap out of you ;). Gray lop-earred rabbit. 19 years old. Mae took me in with Trek as children, I owe my life to her. She did the best she could to keep me out of trouble when I was 13, an important year in my life, though I managed to escape her grasp at times...:p. She writes the stunts for Fear Factor...isn't she an incredibly disturbing genius??? :D.

Ezekiel Draigerman. Most people call him Zeke though, very few know his full name. Species unknown. 17 years old. I think he might've also come from Zotux, possibly another experiment of the Oransis, but I'm not sure. Haven't been able to get anything out of him from his past. I met him at a concert, he was sitting alone and I wasn't fond of the band that was playing at the time, so I talked to him. The funny thing is, no one's ever seen his whole face. I saw one of his eyes when it was closed at one point when he moved, but that's it. He's a rocker through and through.

Trek Albinora. 14 years old. Brown gerbil. She's a little disturbed by the fact that I eat meat, but hopefully she'll get over that soon. I couldn't live my life not eating meat. No flesh to dig my fangs into and tear apart...will stop now, she's probably already passed out on the floor reading this. She's great to talk to, and she reads some of my work that I'm considering publishing, and gives good critiquing and feedback. Thanks, Trek :).

Lrquis Ohward. Squirrel, 18 years old. Computer Freak. When my computer goes screwy, he's the one I go to. He often forgets his own name. Wants to take over the world. Pardon me...IS the ruler of the world and controls all things. When you have a question, ask Lrquis, he'll know. Good person to talk to. Met him 2 summers ago on a missions trip.

All art in this column is © The Gothic Nazgūl

XD Dancing, or Sleeping?

XD at Thundergrounds*background still pending*

XD with Tobias

XD with Tobias again

XD comes face to face with Reality...once again

XD Standing

XD says "You're Mine..."

I come as I am
All work in this column is by others, specified beneath each piece.

XD under Moon
by INTENSEtional

Contact me or The Gothic Nazgūl
XD :
The Gothic Nazgūl :

AIM : Gothic Nazgul
Yahoo! : walking_memories13

Home pages
XD :
The Gothic Nazgūl : [Broken Knees 0]



[Broken Knees 0]
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