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Å †iMé fóR Åc†iðN


Power †oday Now! !S†ÔRM frØN†!
Morbid Fan†asia
Anima†ed's Sanc†um-An allie
Anarchy Ring! Enlis†and Rebel †oday!
Los Vampires webring
†he palace32- You wont leave your chair, are you ready †o drink your urine?
----Click here if you dare----------

††††††††††††††W€lCÔM€†††††††††††††† Hello hello, and welcome to the site wich needs no introduction. Before we continue I am (Paegen) Angelus Levey (Human) Sean Ragan. My site is put here to piss off those who criticize the dark,uprisings, and so on. Also to educate those who agree with many theories exp. Anarchy,Vampyrism,White Power,Wiccans,Uprising,Babies,Blenders and so on. Further more if you havent decided to go take a shit, read up on Bush,Exit,Have some sodomy,or simply walked away then PLEASE look into my links and study hard because I dont like to repeat myself. Note i will be posting my weekly friday nights out...This friday i had quite the wierd nite out..Be sure to visit Diary link for my entries.

For This Monthe, 3 reasons to uprise...SO GRAB A BA† KIDDIES!!!!!
