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RoCK ThE REvoLuTIoN!!!!!!!!!!

I always wondered if there was a place or someone who cared really what was going on in our world today. I know from the past touch with out goverment and the power they have in the military that what the people know today as the truth is not so at all. They lie, cheat,and steal. They have the money and the power to do so.So i went online and found some great sites and checked them out. They told me allll about the kind of freedom i thought i had and i the kind i really dont have. They toldme ways i can change the world for the better (at least my life) and how i can try and help others to chenge theres. so here check out the sites i have listed. i will also be posting things on my other site. you can read and comment or check it out just to know something you didnt before. GOOD LUCK and rock the revolution.

There is always something there not telling you


the truth about war site!!!
your little site on anarchy and revolution
this site tells you about the war and the truth about something you might have not seen or heard on tv
myspace its the shit
my thoughts and poems and shit
my photos of me my family my love and the world
