Hello Its Me!!!

I'm 26 years old I live in California. I have been married for 11 years to a wonderful man. He is a construction Foremen. He has giving me 3 beautiful daughters. One is 8 yrs, 3 yrs, and 7 months. I'm self employed . I work from home, So with Hubby out working it leave me with out adult conversation a lot of the time. So I come here looking for intelligent Adult conversation. I use to chat on CamWare, and AnyWebCams, but it got to be boring, So I came here for a change of pace, and so far I LOVE IT HERE!!! I have met many nice people, and very helpful. The other Chat-Hosts are awesome!! So Maybe I'll make a friend or two. If you enjoy what you see come visit me, Or if you have visited me please sign my guest book. Hope to see you soon!!!







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