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Verlaist's Alien Dream

Not An Addict.mp3


     In this world of  illusions we all desire to live in a void of ourselves. Me I chose to be a user of junk. It goes a little like this, first you use to feel like an outlaw, then you are enmeshed into the dark world of addiction. No longer do you have a choice. You become sick and need it to just stay straight. Shoot junk and be merry that's my motto. However you must be willing to become a scavenger and collector of doom and despair. Junk will be your only friend in the end. Death will seem like the only answer, but you will be too chicken. Just one more time you will tell yourself in the beginning. Then you realize it's no use. The sickness will refuse to fade. Everyone you know will go away in the end, unless your buying of course. Sound like fun? Yeah I thought so too. I felt like a Gothic Rock star. If you choose to use junk, pawn off everyone and everything now. It will be better in the long run. Don't fool yourself junk is the ultimate freedom in bondage you see. Nothing matters. NUCLEAR WAR WOULD JUST BE A SETBACK TO THE NEXT BAG. Junk is the only friend you will have. Once strung out try to deny it into your vein or nose. You will be back for more this I promise. No matter how smart or strong you think you are: JUNK IS STRONGER. Test the resolve of junk and you WILL lose. I thought it would not happen to me. How fucking  wrong was I! I had every intention to quit, but I always came back. Junk is smarter than detox, methadone, and occasionally God himself. Well maybe not God, but even God knows better than to test out this enemy. It has taken even his most devote followers on a ride to destruction. It's like the nectar of freedom, it's just the seduction of junk. Oh yes everyone should be on junk! Nodded out in a burnt out world of hunger and poverty with a wasteland of industrial music as it' theme song. Ever spiraling down to the pits of Hades. Even God would weep. Trust me junk is the ultimate escape. Live in the twisted world and you will understand. If you lucky you will get sick enough to see a way out. If you don't the reaper will be busy watching the clock of what used to be your life. In this world however the man or the virus will probably get to you before the reaper. Or you will live in desire and pain for years to com. The world you create will lay waste around you. No one will care about you as you float is a sea of 10,000 nods. Everything will look beautiful and you will look like shit. Forget it kid you will live without hope. Try it out if you dare. In a wasteland called  HEROIN.






