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Hey everyone! Ever wanted to know where that tubby piece of shit Shawn (a.k.a. Shaker360) lives? Well here you go!

Portrait of a Fatass Loser

 Name: Shawn Kaufman
 a.k.a. DJ Ravage
 a.k.a. Shaker360
 Sex: Male
 D.O.B: 05/03/1977
 Hair: Brown
 Eyes: Brown
 Height: 5'11
 Weight: 250

For quick reference, here is a text version for easy copy & paste!

Home Contact:                                     Work Contact:                                 Vehicle Information:

Name: Shawn Kaufman
Address: 1790 Front St

City/St: East Meadow, NY

Zip: 11554-2400

Phone: (516) 542-0286
SSN: 064-66-5332
Name: Starbucks
Address: 1 Wall St.
City/St: Huntington, NY
Zip: 11743-2046
Phone:(631) 421-3459

Make: Dodge
Year: 1999
Model: Dakota CLB
Color: Red
VIN#: 1B7GL22ZXXS136986

Why Shawn Sucks

So why is Shawn such a loser you ask? Well, when he's not watching wrestling like a 10 year old, chatting it up like a yenta in his gay LiveJournal, or drooling over and humping his shitty truck, he's at Downtime a.k.a. Albion a.k.a. Batcave fronting like he's the biggest baddest motherfucker to ever step in the place, while getting up on the stage with his fat rolls flying and playing CD's thinking he's an ace DJ!

But we all know better! He's just some fatass American with no life who has a fond admiration of some stupid web based comic shit called weeble and bob, which are these egg things that are strikingly similar to the shape of butt plugs! But what would anyone expect from a person who lives on a street called "Front Street"? He fronts more than anyone with the fake thug repitiore, so it looks like he's living on the most appropriate block anyway! He also runs and hides like a bitch from Windows exploit crash links and blocks everyone in his journal and AIM list becuase he's scared as hell. Super hardass scratch masterin' DJ??? I think not!


And when he's not sucking in general, he's sucking the ass of the well known Hellraver, who, might I add has a much cooler name and reputation than "DJ Ravage". Who the fuck ever heard of DJ Ravage? His name don't ring no bells! Ain't nobody never heard of no Shaker360 either! You ask someone at Downtime a.k.a. Albion a.k.a. Batcave if they ever heard of "DJ Ravage", and they'll be like, "Who!?" And when you point up at the stage where you see him during his religious Saturday night Hellraver bootlickings and say, "That's him", they'll say, "Aww haaayyylee nahhh! That nigga be a punk!"

You can see the wonderful examples of his own stupidity on his horrible LiveJournal here:, or you can go to his poorly designed "website", which is nothing but a few lines of text and worthless babble, along with a few pics of his truck, like someone really gives a shit about it, here:

I would like to formally encourage anyone who may stumble upon this page to go to this dick-nosed idiots house and kick his fat ass. He is pretty fat so you might need a weapon. I suggest large, yet lightweight objects, such as chairs, 2 x 4's, trash cans, and so fourth. Basically all of the items he himself enjoys seeing people get hit with when he watches stupid ass wrestling while he lies around on the couch with his big ass gut that looks like he's smuggling a beach ball. Irony at its best!

So why does that neanderthal Shawn need to have his info blown up on the web? Because he's a fucking pussy who likes to fuck with people and thinks he's big and bad like he can intimidate someone, when we all know he's just a bungling jester of stupidity here for our amusement. What's worse is that I've also learned that he likes to threaten, intimidate, and hit females. Yeah, that's a real manly thing to do. Better watch out! He likes to beat on girls! Nigga please! He's a 100% punk ass bitch! I don't really have to put this page up, he makes himself look stupid enough all on his own! But for those of you who don't know what kind of shit he likes to pull, or how much of a jackass he really is, this page is a well needed beacon. And as for morality, there really is no one more deserving than this loser to have his info thrown out here. He had this shit coming and he knows why.


*Note* - DJ Hellraver has requested that he not be mentioned on this site. I only mentioned him because he is directly associated with the facts, being that Shawn has been deemed "Hellraver's Shadow". I would like to state for the record that DJ Hellraver has nothing to do with this site, its contents, or its creator.


Shawn Fun Facts!

Shawn is 26 years old and still lives with his Mother in Long Island, who drives him to the train stop every week when he goes out becuase he won't drive his stupid truck to the city.

Shawn was arrested on a vehicular based charge, and only spent 3 measly days in jail going through central booking and being processed, yet he thinks this makes him a hardened badass.

Shawn amazingly has a job, but he works at a fucking Starbucks slinging coffee all day, trying to act like he's uber underground in a mainstream pop culture corporate chain store.

Shawn is an avid LiveJournal User and Poster, which is a service that's designed as an eDiary, who's member base consists mostly of teen females.

Shawn spends most of his money souping up his truck and eating, which would be much better spent on a membership to a gym, a personal trainer, or lyposuction.

Shawn used to work at a Lazer Tag place called QZar where he went by the alias "Bishop", which as most people know is the Chess piece that most closely resembles a penis.

Shawn is a D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) player, which is the favorite pastime of dateless wonders who like to go to Star Trek conventions and use Linux.


Dish Some Dirt

Shaker360 Sucks needs your help! Do you have any dirt on Shawn that he wouldn't want posted? Do you know any of his sensitive personal secrets? Do you just fucking hate him as much as everyone else does? Well send an email to and I'll post it here! All submissions will be kept private and anonymous. You can also create an anonymous free email account on a site like Hotmail to send any info, in case you're concerned about your identity. Any info will be posted, and it's validity will not be questioned!

Thanks to all readers who are helping to submit Fun Facts or Dish Dirt!



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Shawn Free in 2003

The goal is simple. To get Shawn the hell out of all of our lives and have him crawl back under whatever rock or cave he came from. And a few of the primary things are to force him out of Downtime a.k.a. Albion a.k.a. Batcave, to shut down both of his LiveJournals so that he can no longer talk shit and cause useless eFights online, and to get him fired from his job so that he can't support going out to any other clubs. So what can you do to help? Lots! Help by writing in to the club, LiveJournals Abuse Team, and Starbucks HQ from the following links. Let them know how much of a horrible DJ he is, how he has countless LiveJournal TOS violations all over his journals, and how he's the most unpersonable and horrible piece of shit to ever work in a Starbucks! The subject area is already filled in, just click and send!


Updated May 28

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