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Test Taken: 16th January 2003, 4:05pm
Time finished: 4.37pm

Everything you would EVER want to know about Me., well almost!


How are you?: I have a really sore throat but other than that I’m grand.
Name?: Tori.
What do you wish your name was, instead of Tori?: Beth, Carli, or something really cool like Pixie!
Nicknames?: Toe, Torence, Tort, Boo, T, T-Bag.
Screen name[s]?: punk_princess
Age?: 15
Grade?: 4th year (Ireland grade wise.)
Sex?: Female.
Piercing’s?: Just my ears so far but I wanna get my belly button soon.
Tattoos?: None- Yet! I wanna get one of a star on my back but I don’t think I cud ever go thru with the pain!
Shoe size?: 6 (UK size)
Birthday?: 6th of June
Zodiac sign?: Gemini
Hospital where you were born?: Mount Carmel Hospital.
Location?: Dublin
Height?: 5’5.
Hair Colour?: Copper
Hair length?: Just past my shoulders.
Big Hands or Small Hands?: Small I guess.
Eye colour?: Green/Blue.
Siblings?: 1 brother Christian.
Parents names?: Hilary and Joe
Hobbies?: Art, drama, hockey, shopping, going out with my friends, going online, listening to music etc


Crush: Rob
Boyfriend: None
If you could go out with anyone in the world, who would it be?: Matt from Busted or Bizzy D from Sum 41
When and who was your 1st crush?: I guess it was when I was about 7 I liked this guy in my class called Darryl.
What do you first notice about the opposite sex?: Face and Hair
Your idea of a perfect date: Go to a movie and get something to eat after– nothing fancy.
Are you romantic: Yeah, I’d say I am.
Biggest turn-on: spiky hair!
Ideal guy: Someone who likes me for who I am, can make me laugh and looks like Matt from Busted!
Sweetest thing that happened to you today: My friend Mags rang me just to ask me if I was okay coz I wasn’t in school.
Memory [thing] you miss most: Primary School.
If you could go back in time, where would you go?: I would to America in 1985 (I have my reasons!).
Thing that you regretted doing after you had done it: Be bitchy to people.
Memory you would like to forget: oh i have a few.......
What'd you do yesterday?: Went to school, then hockey, then my friends house to have dinner n then home.
TV show you wish they would re-air again: em......nothing really.
Dream Car: A purple Beetle!
Where will you live? Ireland, coz Ireland rocks!
What are you doing tomorrow?: Going to driving skills!


Food: Pasta or Ham and Pineapple Pizza
Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner: Dinner
TV show: Friends, Grounded 4 Life, Scrubs, Alias and Movie: Harry Potter!
CD: Anthology by A.A.F
Band/Singer: Sum 41, Blink 182, Busted, Green Day, A.A.F etc.
Colour/s: Purple, Silver, Blue and Black.
Actor(s): Matthew Perry.
Actress(s): Kirsten Dunst.
Weekend Activity: Going out with friends.
Favourite day of the week: Saturday.
Month: June
Holiday: Summer
Number: 6
Cookie: Double Chocolate Chip
Phrase you overuse: Whatever
Toothpaste: Aquafresh.
Ice Cream: Ben n Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
Candy Bar/Candy: Cadbury’s Flake.
Teacher: Mr.Mac!
Restaurant: Little Ceasers.
Channel: Sky1 or MTV
Radio Station: Freedom, Phantom, SPIN or FM104.
Type of music: Bit of a mixture but i guess mostly punk rock.
Shampoo/Conditioner: Herbal Essences
Song: True by Jameson feat. Angel Blue or I Wish You Were Here by Incubus.
Music Video: Year 3000 by Busted.
Sport: Hockey.
Website: Mine!
Relative: Aunt/Godmother
Gum: Strawberry Hubba Bubba.
Local TV show: The Fame Game
Thing in the world: Friends and Family.
Thing to collect: Movie stubs
Colours of all time: Purple
Thing to do on a rainy day: Watch a movie, go online or listen to music.

Movie you rented: Not Another Teen Movie.
Movie you bought: Monster’s Inc.
Song you listened to: Incubus- I Wish You Were Here.
Song that was stuck in your head: All The Things She Said by T.A.T.U
Song you've downloaded: My United States of Whatever by Liam Lynch
Cd you listened to: Does This Look Infected? by Sum 41
Person you've called: Suzi
Person that's called you: Liz
Last thing you said to him/her: What time will I meet you in town at?
TV show you've watched: Sabrina!
Person you were thinking of: Mags.
Time you talked to an ex: Prob a few years ago!
Time you kissed someone: Couple weeks ago.
Time you were sarcastic: yesterday at school.
Time you laughed: Bout an hour ago.
Time you cried: Ages ago, I can’t remember exactly when.
Time you smiled: Few minutes ago.
Time you bought something: yesterday.
Book you read: Never Ever.
Movie you saw: Monster’s Inc
Thing you had to drink: Water
Thing you ate: Toast with honey!
Thing you lost: My hair brush! I was looking 4 it 4 about an hour last night!

Friends: Suzi, Liz, Mags, Lee-Ann, Ally, Orla, Kirsty, Colette, Julie, Lisa and Sarah.
Person you most admire: Kelly Osbourne.
Most loved person/people: Family n friends.

N’Sync OR BSB: N’Sync
Peanut butter OR Jelly: Peanut butter! I <3 peanut butter!
Coke or Pepsi: Coke.
Boxers OR Briefs: Boxers.
Joey OR Chandler: Chandler definitely, Matthew Perry is so fine!
Apples OR Oranges: Oranges.
Vanilla OR Chocolate: Chocolate
Flowers OR Candy: Candy.
Dawson's Creek OR Felicity: I don’t like either but I’ll go 4 Dawson’s Creek.
Romantic Comedy OR Horror: Comedy.
Book OR Magazine: Magazine.
TV OR Radio: It depends what kinda mood Im in but I guess I’ll go 4 Radio.
Is the glass half full OR half empty?: It depends, if u have just drank out of it, it’s half empty but if you just poured it, it’s half full!!!

Angels?: Yeah
Aliens?: I do believe that there is something else living in this universe apart from us but I don’t think it’s aliens.
Heaven & Hell?: Yeah
God?: Yeah
Yourself?: Not always, but on a rare occasion yes.

Been on a plane: Yep.
Cried in public: Unfortunately!
Climbed a tree: Yep.
Fell asleep in a Movie Theater: Not that i can remember
Met a celebrity: Nope but my brother has.
Met the president: Nope.
Been scared to get a shot: Yes, I hate needles
Gotten a cavity: Yeah
Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: Nope, they don’t have it in Ireland.
Broken a bone: Nope.
Did the nasty: Nope.
Said, "I love you," and meant it: Yep.
Made prank calls: Yea.
Gone skinny dipping: Nope.
Skipped school: Yeah.
Loved somebody so much it made you cry: Yep.
Gone to a theme park and checked out all the cute guys: Yeah! Who hasn’t?
Cried over a guy: Yep!
Lied to someone: Yeah.
Ever been in a fist fight?: Not that I can remember.
Ever been arrested: nope.

George W.: em.......i dunno.
Lollipops: Cuppa Chups.
Dream: Nightmare.
Whipped Cream: Strawberries.
Boy bands: Manufactured.
Guys: Can’t live with em, can’t live without em.
Girls: Bitchy!
Death: Black.

Dog/Cat: Cat.
Blue/Purple: Purple.
Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate.
Pen/Pencil: Pen.
Plumber/Trash man: Plumber.
Ear/Eye: Eye.
Rich and unhappy/Poor and happy: Poor and happy.
Tall/Short: Short.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: nope.
Last time you showered: This morning.
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?: Purple
How many buddies do you have on your list?: 47
What are the last 3 digits of your number?: 039
One pillow or two, cotton or feather?: One pillow, cotton.
First initial of the person you hate the most: L
How long are you in the shower?: Bout ½ an hour!
How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Buttercup?: whatever way i feel like.
What does your screen name mean?: Em..take a guess.
Right, Left, or Ambidextrous?: Right.
What is under your bed?: My Diary
How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a Tootsie Pop?: A lot.
Would you ever eat sushi?: NO! i hate fish.
Would you ever eat sushi off a naked body?: Well, seeing as i just said i hate fish prob not!
What's your sexual preference?: heterosexual.
What were you in a past life?: A cat!
I punch you. Quick, what do you do?: Punch you back.
When confronted with Britney Spears, you...?: Say hi.
What's your favourite coffee?: Vanilla Latte.
Are you my Angel?: Maybe.
Do you consider yourself a poet?: No.
What do you wanna be when you grow up?: A graphic designer, make-up artist, or a chef.
There's a naked man in your living room. What do you do?: Ask him wot the fuck he’s doin in my house.
How stupid do you think you are?: Not very.
How stupid do other people think you are?: I dunno, ask them not me.
Who the hell do you think you are?: Im Tori Hughes thank you very much.
Is the Wonderbra good or bad?: good!
What's your favourite fruit?: grapes.
Can you feel the love tonight?: em.....yes?
On a nude beach, you would...?: avoid eye contact.
Make up a story with yourself, a bridge, and a rabbit: em once i was carrying my rabbit over a bridge and i fell, the end!
What do you think about contemporary art?: It’s cool.
Do you like being naked?: no.
If we had proof god didn't exist, what would happen?: people would think up some other god like creature.
Do you enjoy cheeze whiz?: no
What's your position on virginity?: Wudnt u like 2 know!
On Avril Lavigne: She’s okay.
On mosquito bites: I h8 them!
On bad sitcoms: switch channel
Are you left handed or right handed?: right handed.
Are you smart?: When i want to b!
What's your middle name?: Anna, Jane and Helen.
How many personalities do you have?: A lot
What was your first word?: No idea!
Are you superstitious?: Kinda.
Do you read your horoscope?: Yep
Do you believe in that stuff?: Kinda.
Can you do a cartwheel?: Yep.
Do you have contact lenses?: Nope i have 20/20 vision!
Do you have a retainer or braces?: Nope.
Can you drive?: I wish.
Do you snore?: Not that i know of!
Do you drool in your sleep?: Don’t think so.
Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?: lick them!
Do you keep a journal?: Well its more of a diary.
Do you like onions?: No!
Do you like cotton candy?: Yes!
What instruments can you play?: I can play chopsticks on the piano!
Do you like to dance?: Yeah.
Do you like to sing?: Yeah.
Are you any good at it?: Not really!
Do you like to talk on the phone?: Yep
Do you like where you live?: Yeah, i <3 Ireland!
Are you organized?: When i wanna b.
Do you sleep with socks on?: No
Are you shy?: Not usually!
Do you talk to yourself?: Yeah
Are you a morning person?: No, not at all!
Do you believe in reincarnation?: kinda.
Do you believe in God?: Yep
Do you believe in ghosts?: Yep.
Do you believe in bigfoot?: No
How old do you wish you were?: either 3 or 18
Have you ever thought you were gonna die?: nope.
Where do you wanna go?: Somewhere hot and sunny.

Have a bf or gf: Nope
Have a crush on someone: Yep.
Wish you could live somewhere else: Nope.
Think about suicide: Not now, but I have done.
Believe in online dating: Not really.
Watch soap operas: Nope.

Premarital sex: It’s ur choice.
Drinking and driving: Stupid.
Gay/Lesbian relationships: Whatever ur into.

Of times I have been in love?: 0
Of times I have had my heart broken?: 1
Of hearts I have broken?: How im I supposed 2 know?
Of boys I have kissed?: em around 100. I used to go to disco’s a lot.
Of girls I have kissed?: 0
Of men I've slept with?: 0
Of girls I've slept with?: 0
Of continents I have lived in?: 1
Of drugs taken illegally?: 0
Of people I would classify as true, could trust with
my life type friends?: 1
Of people I consider my enemies?: 0
Of people from high school that I stayed in contact
with?: Well, seeing as im still in “high school”……
Of cd's that I own?:20/25
Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 1
Of scars on my body?: about 6, their pretty small though.
Of things in my past that I regret?: 5.

Smoke: Nope Drink: Occasionally
Do drugs: Nope
Live in the moment: I guess so.
Have sex: Nope
Play an instrument: Nope, I’d <3 to be to play the drums tho.
Had a dream that keeps coming back: nope
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever:
Consider yourself tolerant of others: Sometimes
Remember your first love: Yep
Have any gay friends: Not that i know of
Read the newspaper: Only if there’s something in it that interests me.
Still love your first love: No
Believe in miracles: Can’t say i do.
Have a favourite candy: Not at the moment.
Wish on stars: Yep.
Believe in God: Yep.
Believe in magic: Nope.
Believe in astrology: Kinda.
Like the taste of alcohol: It’s okay.
Hate yourself: Yeah, most of the time!
Talk to strangers who IM you: sometimes.
Have any bad habits: yeah, biting my nails, i get real paranoid sometimes; n i sometimes let people push me around which really pisses me off.
Like your handwriting: It’s alright.
Collect anything: Movie stubs.
Have a secret crush: nope.
Go to church: nope.
Have any pets: yep, 6 cats.
Wear hats: In winter.
Pray: sometimes.
Believe in ghosts: yeah.
Care about looks: Yeah I do but not in a bad way.
Believe in Satan: Not really.
Believe in witches: No.
Have a best friend: yep.
Do you take anti-depressants: nope.