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West Memphis 3

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Film: Paradise Lost - Witchvox Review

Film: Revelations - Witchvox Review

Interview: Bruce Sinofsky

Interview: Mara Leveritt

Interview: One Minute w/ Damien

News: 2002 Update

News: 2003 Update

News: Arkansas Times Online

Video News

WM3 - Benefit CD 2000

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WM3 News
[from Wren's Nest]

Jun 2003: Update: Musicians speak out for West Memphis Three [5,214]

Jun 2003: Update: Court Agrees To 'Final' Delay Of Echol’s Appeals (WM3) [3,674]

Jun 2003: Black Flag Tribute In Quest For Justice For West Memphis 3 [5,727]

Jun 2003: Interview with Mara Leveritt (Devil's Knot: The True Story of the West Memphis Three) [7,646]

May 2003: Ten Years Later: The West Memphis Three Case [6,267]

Dec 2002: Devil's Knot: The True Story of the West Memphis Three [4,772]

Mar 2001: Update On The Memphis Three Case [113]

Dec 2000: Circuit City Pulls Wm3 Benefit Cd [40]

Sep 2000: West Memphis Three Crime Photos Prompt Ebay Auction Changes [56]

Feb 2000: Wm3 Sequel, 'Revelations' On Hbo March 13 [24]

Jan 1999: Update: On Tenn. Pagan Poly Case-the Two Men Were Previously Questioned In West Memphis Three Investigation [34]

May 1998: Update: Damien Echols Seeks Appeal In West Memphis Three Case [50]

Mar 1998: 'Paradise Lost' Update [38]

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Another Witch Trial...
by Peg Aloi
February 2nd. 1997

Why should Witches be interested?

Because our religious beliefs were a prominent feature in the criminal trial. One of the accused, Damien Echols, was convicted because, in the tiny provincial town of West Memphis, Arkansas, he favored black clothing, listened to Metallica and dabbled in the occult. In other words, everyone thought he was too "different" to be beyond suspicion. Echols, now 21, is on death row, and now considers himself Wiccan, though at the time of his trial his religious leanings were towards Catholicism. Damien's Book of Shadows was offered as evidence of Satan's dominion over him.

Because of the horrific nature of the three killings (in which the three bodies were found mutilated, one of them sexually), the press focused on theories of Satanic ritual sacrifice; hungry for justice, the townspeople and the local media led a witchhunt straight to Damien's door. But not until the local police coerced one of the accused, Jessie Misskelley, a developmentally-disabled young man with an IQ of 72, into "confessing" to the crimes (although his "confession" is laden with contradictions and the police illegally questioned him for twelve hours, without a lawyer present, before they turned on a tape recorder). Jessie implicated Damien and his friend Jason.

No physical evidence of any kind links any of these young men to the crimes. The town, the media and the prosecuting attorneys focused entirely on Damien's apparent "evil" persona and on Jessie's completely-unreliable "confession." With no other suspects, the three teenagers were convicted, despite the lack of evidence and the near-total unreliability of the witnesses for the prosecution. Paradise Lost is well-worth seeing simply because it is a fascinating (if terrifying) glimpse into the way prejudice and media hype influence the legal system.

Peg Aloi
February 2nd., 1997
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