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Christian Burner

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We all live in a world in which things are forced upon us. Religion shouldn't be one of them...

Personal Insight on the Catholic/Christian Religions

First of all, I'm not putting religion down, I just believe that it should not be forced upon us, Its wrong how kids in some families are forced to go to church despite there own belief, I mean if we live in such a "free" country, then why are our youth deprived of religious freedom? Also, I don't think its right to display just the Christian Cross, what's wrong with the Wiccan Pentagram, or the Star of David, or any other religious symbol? Absolutely nothing, so why cant we display them without some kind of controversy? It's about time America comes to terms with this you may think I'm wrong but that is your opinion, this is just my opinion.

I will admit, I personally did believe that there was a God and he was the almighty figure (mostly because of parental influence), but over time I started to question it and went online to find out other views of non-believers (hence the links to the left) and finally made myself stop acknowledging him. Not having been baptized into any religion (although my parents are Catholics) made this a lot easier for me to do. I remember going to my sisters baptism, and well, lets just say, I don't belong in a church and I felt very uncomfortable the entire time there because none of the material the father was preaching was making sense to me.

I asked myself these questions and without answers, how can I trust it?; If god is almighty and holy, then why didn't he just snap his fingers and make everything right, why did he choose to just kill the sinners and his own son (supposedly)? Why do we all worship a mass murderer but when somebody on earth kills somebody who he feels has done wrong, he is imprisoned and killed? I think the Catholic/Christian religion is just a circle of death, punishment, terror, and unnecessary suffering (that is if we don't worship the almighty God), if he is so good, and powerful, and almighty, then why does he need us to acknowledge him? And why does the Catholic/Christian religion consider all other religions Satanistic and homosexuals evil? I bet nobody will give you a straight answer to any of these. And you will probably be put down and they [the believers] will say that you need to be saved.