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life of tausi ori
Friday, 17 September 2004
Alas, this is my site
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: naked_blood-tfp
01-pleasure_and_pain-naked_blood-tfp.mp301-pleasure_and_pain-naked_blood-tfp.mp301-pleasure_and_pain-naked_blood-tfp.mp3">01-pleasure_and_pain-naked_blood-tfp// my name is ori i live in israel in small town called ra'anana , my age is 24.5 i like to listen to dark wave music , gothic , synthpop , industrial , electro , if you like the stuff i hear conntect me: .

********************************************************************** Well, first of all, I have built this site for one thing only: for me. Yes. Call me cocky or just call me extravagant, but the main reason I even started with this, is that every time I chatted with a potential interdate, it came down to the inevitable question of "What are you, Goth? What is that?" or "do you worship the devil?" and all kinds of rubbish like that. That was all nice at first but as the entire gay scene ran away gladly from me, I knew I should do something. I had built a site and send it away. After long years and a few reincarnations, it became this. A weird collection of jokes, writings, doodles, pictures and party blogs which depicts the hazy and confused life of me, the Goth scene in IL, and me in that scene. And there you have it. some part of my personality and subconsciousness in this remote side of the net. So where shall I start? Introduction? I am Eyal, I am 28? Something like that? Nah, that's too obvious. Why don't I just bombard you with all kinds of info about me from all ends, and you make out the puzzle. Do with it as you will. Let's start with…em…music, I guess. This IS the main point of my life. I mean, there is no life without music. I can listen to it all the time (besides the times I am a-sleepin'). It always surrounds me, always with me. At travels, buses, walking down the street, writing, painting, drawing, cooking. It gives me inspiration. It can change my mood. It affects me to all extents, and I love it. I can mark my "taste" as far as the 10th grade. Up till then I used to listen to whatever was on the radio. But after awhile I stumbled upon Queen. I still think they are fabulous, by the way. After some pondering around some alternative records of the early 90s, along came 2 things: A. I got expelled from school to an external one, where I was exposed to…. B. Grunge. The revolution of grunge has swept the land, and I was inside it. It was great. I had my torn denim, my band logo T's and flannel tops. I bought every piece of grunge I could lay my hands on. Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Mudhoney, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice In Chains and loads more. We used to gather, all the gang, in smoky bars and cafes which played that music, and we smoked and we drank and we talked about nothing at all. Ah. That was life. I also expanded my horizons and started to listen to all kinds of "Alternative" music. From Sisters of Mercy to Radiohead, From The Cure to Tool, and many more. Along blew the winds of 94 and grunge was fading away. Most of my friends got drafted and I had time to burn till the IDF. Along with my work at Mishan, which was a hospice for the elderly-terminally ill, I started to listen to a new kind of music. Metal. The first thing that got my attention was a band called Megadeath. I absolutely adored them. With Megadeath came Metallica, Slayer, Biohazard, Sepultura and more of these kinds. It was excellent. Along with my draft and over my military service I sank deeper and deeper into the metal scene, to become a Metalhead. After Sepultura and the likes, I sank my teeth to the more depressive side. Paradise Lost, Type O Negative, White Zombie and more. As I went down the scale I discovered I really liked black metal. I ended up with Amorphis, Immortal, Dissection, In Flames, Therion and much much more. I blew all my salary on CDs. And now I have the collection to match it! Slowly, during 98-99, my taste changed towards the dark wave. Collections like "back to the Penguin" were spinning in my CD, and much to do with the Azimuth club, I moved from the metal floor to the 80s floor. After some period of time, when I started also to dress emm…differently, after I grinded every siouxie, cure and Bauhaus album, after I started wearing Goth dresses, After all that came one of my friends from London, and showed me for real what Goth is. I was amazed. Real, whiny Goth. With violins and drama and black lace. Needless to say that I started to collect fanatically every London After Midnight, Legendary Pink Dots, Lacrimosa, Switchblade Symphony, Two Witches, and more whiny Goth music. I loved it. And that wa the time I started to design my own clothes, and to express myself wholly. My turn towards the more electronic part was The City Hall. A great club in the north. I went there, and heard for the first time Synthpop. Wow. And again, The collector which is I began. And One, Apoptygma Berzerk, VNV Nation, De/Vision and Distain! Were mine now! Muhahah! Slowly the scene around me was built, and I expanded my horizons to EBM and industrial. Now I listen to all of the above. Just a small sample: In Strict Confidence, Blutengel, Icon of Coil, Deine Lakaien, Funker Vogt, Cenobita, Hocico, Cruxshadows, Beborn Beton, Toy, Covenant, Lame Immortelle, Solitary Experiments and much much more. You can check up my MP3 for the insanely full list, and if you'll bring me an empty CD I promise I'll burn you whatever you want. That's it. As you can see. Music is a major part of my life. Without it, I shall wither away ********************************************************************** aroma

Posted by goth2/tausi at 8:34 AM
Updated: Friday, 17 September 2004 9:26 AM
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